Youth Change Agent: Empower a Young Person to Make the Transition to a Better Life by Keith Strickland and Lucas L. Johnson II (Broadleaf Books, Jun 04, 2024) Jesus and the Abolitionists: How Anarchist Christianity Empowers the People by Terry J. Stokes (Broadleaf Books, May 28, 2024)...
Cameron Dresdner,Pelly Freer,Dailey Jackson,Ellie Lang-Ree,Cassidy Stoler ,Danielle Truxhall,Audra Yong。 簡介 本書以和《預言之貓》相同的格式記載了大部分曾在《預言之貓》出現過的貓,同時也記錄了一些未被收錄進《預言之貓》的貓。書中所有的貓都擁有自己的畫像,其中一些貓的肖像作了一些改動。 本書講...
Years ago an acquaintance stole all his father’s roosters. When his father, exhausted by the roosters waking him at sunrise, and decided to exercise his right to capitol punishment, his 30-something year-old son rescued all the roosters in the middle of the night. For the next few weeks...
I was awakened the next morning by the strong smell of shit—it was me. I had turned into a piece of shit and I was on the floor under my bed. I could talk and see, but I had no hands, or arms, or legs. I just sat there: a piece of shit. I didn’t know what to do. ...
Whether you're looking for a gift to celebrate a special occasion or simply want to show your dad how much he means to you, this keychain is sure to make a lasting impression. So why wait? Order yours today and give your dad a gift that he'll cherish for a lifetime. ...
Diane Keaton co-stars as George's momentarily suffering wife, Nina, while Martin's real-life life-partner Martin Short turns in one of his broadest caricatures (and that's saying something) as the wedding planner Franck Eggelhoffer. (P.S., the sequel is also streaming on Hulu.) — J....
Anyway, like a lot of things he did and said, Ben Franklin stole this saying, attributing it to himself in his book “Big Ben’s Wise Sayings.” Alas, the stinking fish allusion has become an anomaly with the advent of refrigeration. However, it is still possible to catch a whiff from...
Rather, the justification for American independence was the need to escape oppression by the British government — the "repeated injuries and usurpations" enumerated in the Declaration — and to establish a government that would more fully ...
Maybe I had been recalling the “Thelma & Louise” scene where a drifter occupies the pair’s cash from a motel nightstand. Turns out, the Aussie has been. And enjoyable. A laugh over dinner one night is still one of the finest of my entire life. However, it does not always turn ...
“¿Tu ves,Ana?” he said, showing her something. “See? They stole my wallet.” From the hall, I listened. “Oh, no!” Grandma gasped, staring at his inside-out pocket in disbelief. “We have to stand so close we are like sardines. Too easy for someone to put his hands in ...