If My Hair Had a Voice by Dana Marie Miroballi (Beaming Books, May 28, 2024) Trespass: Portraits of Unhoused Life, Love, and Understanding by Kim Watson (Broadleaf Books, May 14, 2024) We Refuse to Be Silent: Women’s Voices on Justice for Black Men by Angela P. Dodson (Broadleaf...
The secret life of pronouns. what our words say about us. John Nerbonne. Literary and Linguistic Computing (2014) [link] Breaking the closed-world assumption in stylometric authorship attribution. Ariel Stolerman, Rebekah Overdorf, Sadia Afroz, and Rachel Greenstadt. Advances in Digital Forensics...
And the transition, the swaying between the vertical and the horizontal, is the image of life. The right angle is a “pact with nature”. –Andre Wogenscky one of Le Corbusier’s most important foreman So to conclude what has been recovered by ME+me is an archetypal rendering of a ...
The coming of the Dajjal would be preceded by several signs such as: People will stop offering the prayers; dishonesty will be the way of life; falsehood will become a virtue; people will mortgage their faith for worldly gain; usury and bribery will become legitimate; there will be acute fa...
7 March 1964 Theo van Eijck, of the Dutch Naval Air Arm MLD stole a Grumman S-2 Tracker at RAF Hal Far in Malta and flew to Libya. He was trying to defect to Egypt, but did not have enough fuel to reach his destination in Alexandria. After flying over Benina Airport, he landed ...
BANKERS STOLE THE STATEReview of: Gregg Barak Theft of Nation – Wall Street looting and federal Regulatory Colluding"; Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.; Lanham – Maryland, 2012 by: Nikola VujiiNikola Vujičić
And for vampire fans,Sanctuarygives us the witty, hilarious take on Nikola Tesla, who just so happens to be in love with Helen and a vampire at the same time. Sometimes, he’s a villain. Sometimes, he’s a hero. But he’s always 100 percent brilliant and entertaining. I’m also sup...
The prosecution asked for life imprisonment for Sayenko and Suprunyuck, and 15 years of hard labor for Hanzha. Ukraine has no capital punishment.SuspectsThe three suspects were lifelong friends who attended school together.According to interviews with the suspects' families, Sayenko and Hanzha were...
“Play-In” can be a little dangerous, as Miami proved last season advancing from the No. 8 spot after winning their play-in and advancing all the way through to the 2023 NBA Finals before running into Denver’s amazingNikola Jokić whobecame the first player in NBA history to lead the...
Real individual V3I1 The steward to the last abbot of Glastonbury who stole the deed to a manor house from a Christmas pie delivered to King Henry VIII. The incident later formed the basis for the popular nursery rhyme. Visual cameo only....