(1)财产权法(the law of property),它涉及财产权的创设和界定,而财产权是对有价值资源进行排他性使用的权利。 (2) … jim1jin2.fyfz.cn|基于13个网页 3. 物权法 ...其所代表的货物的所有权的转让,[21]这时,它要受物权法(the law of property)的管辖 ...
法律英语阅读理解: The Law of Property 财 产法 The old common law1 was preeminently the law of real property ; and the distinction between “real property ” and “personal property3 ” was a crucial one. Generally speaking ,real property means real estate -1and and buildings --- but it...
Its intricacies drove generations of law students to despair. Another important, fairly new, branch of property law is the law of “land use controls”。 It deals with the limit imposed on what people can do with their property. This was an issue in the law of nuisance, but modern ...
Unit FourThe Law of PropertyLesson OneProperty: Real and PersonalAs a common sense definition, property is a physical ob
法律英语阅读理解:TheLawofProperty财产法.pdf,法律英语阅读理解: The Law of Property 财 产法 The old common law1 was preeminently the law of real property ; and the distinction between “real property ” and “personal property3 ” was a crucial one. Gen
The Law of PropertyGambaro, AntonioMattei, Ugo
网络释义 1. 财产法 〔13〕1925年,英国以“财产法”(The Law of Property Act)废除了“用益法”,从此所有的信托都可以“用益法”颁行前设立Use的方法 …19720605.fyfz.cn|基于28个网页 例句 释义: 全部,财产法 更多例句筛选 1. The practice today is to give an Act a short title, such as the "La...
While presidents don’t, can’t, and shouldn’t control property lawmaking, recognizing their influence opens up new lines of inquiry that we miss when we think of property simply as bundle of rights — the now-dominant understanding of property law. Focusing upon the unfamiliar category of ...