网络财产法 网络释义 1. 财产法 〔13〕1925年,英国以“财产法”(The Law of Property Act)废除了“用益法”,从此所有的信托都可以“用益法”颁行前设立Use的方法 …|基于28个网页
Unit FourThe Law of PropertyLesson OneProperty: Real and PersonalAs a common sense definition, property is a physical ob
(1)财产权法(the law of property),它涉及财产权的创设和界定,而财产权是对有价值资源进行排他性使用的权利。 (2) …|基于13个网页 3. 物权法 ...其所代表的货物的所有权的转让,[21]这时,它要受物权法(the law of property)的管辖 ...
The Law of Property Act 1969 (Commencement) Order 1970doi:1970 No. 922 (C. 22)
图书The Conveyancing and Law of Property Act, 1881, and the Vendor and Purchases Act, 1874 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
图书The Conveyancing and Law of Property ACT, 1881; And the Vendor and Purchaser ACT, 1874 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Winston & Strawn LLP is a global law firm with more than 975 attorneys in the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America.
同时,根据Family Law Act 1975(cth) 90G的规定,财产协议在双方咨询了律师的独立法律意见以及双方都得到了一份由律师签署的声明,且该声明的副本送达到配偶双方时,这份财产协议才具有法律约束力。而且,在澳大利亚法律中,de facto(事实婚姻)的双方(同性和异性都可)也可以拟定财产协议。
The executive authorities, legislature and judiciary of the Region shall effectively prevent, suppress and impose punishment for any act or activity endangering national security in accordance with this Law and other relevant laws.第四条 香港特别行政区维护国家安全应当尊重和保障人权,依法保护香港特别...
“法治”(the Rule of Law)这一术语应当与“法律规则”(a rule of law)相区分,后者惯用于指代某些特定的法律规则,譬如反对永续年金(perpetuities)或规定我们必须在某个日期之前报税的规则。这些是法律的规则,但法治是我们的政治道德理想之一,它指的是法律自身及法律体系的机构在治理体系中所拥有的至上的地位。