the-iron-law-of-oligarchy网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 the-iron-law-of-oligarchy网络寡头铁律;寡头政治铁律;寡头铁则 网络释义 1. 寡头铁律 “寡头铁律”(The Iron Law of Oligarchy)所阐述的组织病象目录 病因分析 [编辑] 规模庞杂 [编辑] 权力集中 [编辑] 公共行政 管理学|基于57个...
The article discusses the idea of a plutocracy in the U.S., commenting on the theory of the "iron law of oligarchy" of Italian historian and sociologist Roberto Michels. The author considers the relationship between power and money in the U.S. and examines relations between ruling and ...
他引用意大利政治社会学家罗伯特·米歇尔斯(Robert Michels)的“寡头铁律(Iron Law of Oligarchy)”,强调任何大规模社会组织最终都会滑向寡头政治,所谓“真正的民主”在大规模社会中几乎不可能实现。 而这其中最激烈、最“反民主”的当属一位“古怪”思想者——他被称为“彼得·蒂尔的御用哲学家”:柯蒂斯·亚文(Cur...
8 A Shortage of Men: Wealth, Rank, and Recognition in Cicero’s Civic Education 9 On Oligarchy: An Ontological Account 10 Oligarchy and the Rule of Law Contributors Index Readers are also interested in: Book 2024 Senses of the Future Conflicting Ideas of the Future in the World ...
Related to oligarchy:autocracy government by the few:The citizens have no voice in an oligarchy. Not to be confused with: anarchy– the absence of laws or government:The fall of the empire was followed by chaos and anarchy. aristocracy– rule by elite or privileged upper class:The governing ...
Oligarchy (‘the rule of the few’), with monarchy (see kingship) and democracy one of the three basic categories of constitution commonly used by the Greeks from the 5th cent. bce onwards. Whereas a democratic regime gave basic political rights to all adult males in the free non-immigr...
seeIRON LAW OF OLIGARCHY. Collins Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2000 The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. a form of government in which state power belongs to a small group of people, as...
Two types of government that can be difficult to distinguish are oligarchic governments and republican governments. By definition, an oligarchy is a form of government in which power is held by a small number of people. Republics are a type of democracy in which the people elect representatives ...
‘The Iron Law Of Oligarchy’ ADRIAN KUZMINSKI Most voters enroll in one or the other major party, though the number of non-party enrollees has grown in recent years. In our area, and nationally, it’s very roughly one third Democrat, one third Republican, and one third non-partisan, or...
Even when we consider the formation and control of political parties (an essential tool for political participation and interest articulation in liberal democracies), we also find that Robert Michels’ hypothesis concerning the ‘iron law of oligarchy’ still resonates in terms of who leads American...