An oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex, which makes father, brothers, husband, sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters, o...
“This thing’s a scam by the oligarchs in Silicon Valley to basically take jobs from American citizens, give them to what become indentured servants from foreign countries, and then pay ‘em less. Simple. To let them in through the golden door,” Bannon added. Trump has been silent abou...
With this being said, from my standpoint, in most cases I strongly feel that the transition will happen much more smoothly and easily then most of us would think, because of what has been seen in the planetary grid along with the benevolent spiritual presence we have on the planet which is...
They gave more political power to the "the poor", then had foreign agents usurp that power; they passed laws to distribute public land among the poor, then bought up the land of men unequipped to farm it; they passed laws to distribute imported low-cost grain to the poor, but these ...
The NWO oligarchs were successfully displaced from control of Russia's economy by Vladimir Putin and the NWO wants back in plain and simple. England can't make it happen but America could. In order to achieve this goal a plan had to be developed with hopes of dragging American back into ...
Crybaby Trump is still whining about celebrities endorsing Kamala Harris – While ignoring his own oligarchs forking over HUNDREDS of MILLIONS! And there is nothing illegal about it. Although there should be. Why doesn't he support banning such donations?
Thucydides seems to apply such a method (The Peloponnesian War II.49.1; 6; Epidemics I, 5; 26) to what he understands to be the Athenian political disease, regarding the form of excess (hybris) of greed, the pleonexia, in some oligarchs who think more about their own enrichment than abo...
which parties are uninterested in taking action on climate change, and vote against them. We need to change how our politics work, so that our countries are run in order to support individuals who are doing the right things instead of for the benefit of a few oligarchs who don't care if...
Global warming has much the same effect on economies like black holes do on physics, warping everything around them until the laws we assume that govern things become unrecognizable. In the period of a week or so, roughly 900 people died in Spain from the heat, including the death of a ...
He has rescued Russia from demoralization from the Soviet collapse, which resulted in a once powerful state being dismembered, looted and embarrassed by its Jewish oligarchs and Washington. Putin has rebuilt the Russian economy, despite Washington’s sanctions and Putin’s incompetent central bank ...