This general phenomenon -- group polarization -- has many implications for economic, political, and legal institutions. It helps to explain extremism, "radicalization," cultural shifts, and the behavior of political parties and religious organizations; it is closely connected to current concerns about...
Law and Political Science, University of ChicagoJournal of Political PhilosophySunstein, C. ( 2002 ). The Law of Group Polarization . Journal of Political Philosophy 10 ( 2 ): 175 – 95 .Sunstein C. (2002) The law of group polarization. Journal of Political Philosophy 10(2): 175–195 ...
The Law of Group Polarization This general phenomenon -- group polarization -- has many implications for economic, political, and legal institutions. It helps to explain extremism, "... CR Sunstein - 《Journal of Political Philosophy》 被引量: 1230发表: 2002年 The effects of repeated expressions...
polarization Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia po·lar·i·za·tion (pō′lər-ĭ-zā′shən) n. 1.The production or condition of polarity, as: a.A process or state in which rays of light exhibit different properties in different directions, especially the state in which...
《韦氏词典》今年的年度词汇是“polarization”。这个词的定义是“分成两个截然不同的对立面;尤指一个群体或社会的意见、信仰或利益不再沿连续统一体而集中在对立的极端的状态”。 Collins Dictionaryhas named "brat(熊孩子)" its word of the year for 2024, defining it as someone "characterized by a confid...
Group polarization is the phenomenon that occurs when a group engagement will enhance members’preexisting tendencies and strengthening of the members’average tendency. It is not about a split within the group. We have seen the effects of this w...
potentials of a massless field yields in a simple and direct way (with- out assuming that the field is a gauge field, and without detailed assumption on the form of the equation of motion), the structure of the polarizations, the Gupta-Bleuler condition, and gauge invariance of the theory...
The elderly' rights to life are flagrantly violated.U.S. politicians have followed the natural law of "selecting the superior and eliminating the inferior," declaring that "the elderly could sacrifice for the country" and that "the national economy is more important than the lives of the elderl...
系统标签: polarization group phenomenon 极化 risky nordhoy TheGroupPolarizationPhenomenonMyers,D.G.,&Lamm,H.PsychologicalBulletin,(1976)83(4),p602-627作者利用西洋棋測驗所引出的觀念,希望讀者為文中的棋士作決定,若採用較冒險的方式才有較大的勝算,發現經由討論後,團體決策反而較未經討論前的平均決策更為冒險...
极化polarization群体groupphenomenon现象 TheGroupPolarizationPhenomenonMyersD.G.LammH.PsychologicalBulletin1976834p602-627作者利用西洋棋测验所引出的观念,希望读者为文中的棋士作决定,若采用较冒险的方式才有较大的胜算,发现经由讨论后,团体决策反而较未经讨论前的平均决策更为冒险性,而且其程度超过任何一个人的冒险性...