Learn about group polarization. Explore the definition and causes of group polarization, discover ways to prevent it from occurring, and see some...
Group polarization is the tendency of the group to converge on more extreme solutions to a problem‚ as opposed to a decision made alone or independently. There is a phenomenon called the "risky shift" ‚ it is an example of polarization; the risky shift occurs when the group decision is...
17 CD analysis is an effective method to examine conformational changes in the helical structure of DNA because CD sensitively reflects the change in polarization caused by any change in the helicity of nucleic acids or proteins. Compared to free DNA, the spectrum of DNA-LDH shows a collapsed ...
8.1Groupthink and Group Polarization One potential problem is the tendency for highly cohesive decision-making groups, that are under stress and do not have impartial leadership, to engage in ‘groupthink,’ a mode of thinking in which the desire to reach unanimous agreement overrides the motivation...
We chose to analyse the single-polarization equation as a first step toward RP on β2. Nevertheless, single-polarization transmission is still attractive for low cost optical systems24. The first and second terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (3) are linear and nonlinear terms in the NLSE...
(1.1) This condition is in general not sufficient for uniform exponentially stability. On the other hand, for many important classes of semigroups, such as eventually norm-continuous semigroups, (1.1) is indeed equivalent to uniform exponential stability of the semigroup; see Subsection2.4for mor...
The group delay has the units of a time (e.g. picoseconds) and generally (in dispersive media) depends on the optical frequency (→ group delay dispersion, chromatic dispersion) and possibly on the polarization state (→ polarization mode dispersion) and the optical mode (→ intermodal dispersio...
Such an effect may be related to the peculiar dielectric and long-range proton-hopping properties of water (cf. Section 8.1) that allow for high local polarizations to occur. For any given positional arrangement of water molecules, whether in the liquid or solid state, there is an almost ...
At the 6-31G** level of theory with polarization functions on the bridging oxygen, the Si–O (bridging) length is 1.617 Å and the Si–O–Si angle 141° (203). The majority of Si–O bond lengths fall in the range 1.64 ± 0.03 Å (204), which is somewhat shorter than the ...
esriRadarPolarization esriRaster3DToRasterFunctionErrors esriRasterArithmeticOperation esriRasterBandArithmeticMethod esriRasterCatalogItemCategory esriRasterCatalogType esriRasterCellSizeProjectionEnum esriRasterClippingType esriRasterColorInterpretation esriRasterDimensionDefinitionType esriRasterError esriRasterFilterType...