Anthony van Dyck的作品「The Lamentation of Christ」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1635,图片尺寸:1252x706px,风格:巴洛克艺术,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」
The Entombment of Christ,1568-1570 St. Francis receiving the stigmata,1571 Portrait of Giulio Clovio,1572 Deposition in the tomb,1575 Pietà (The Lamentation of Christ),1575 Portrait of a man (Andrea Palladio),1575 Vincenzo Anastagi,1575 Christ driving the traders from the temple,1571-1576 The...
六图网提供精美好看的装饰装修素材模板下载,本次装饰装修作品主题是Anthony van Dyck - The Lamentation of Christ英国画家安东尼凡戴克Anthony van dyck人物油画装饰画,编号是3042202,格式是JPG,该Anthony van Dyck - The Lamentation of Christ英国画家安东尼凡戴克An
The Lamentation of ChristAnthony Van Dyck
六图网提供精美好看的装饰装修素材模板下载,本次装饰装修作品主题是Anthony van Dyck - The Lamentation of Christ 2英国画家安东尼凡戴克Anthony van dyck人物油画装饰画,编号是3042261,格式是jpg,该Anthony van Dyck - The Lamentation of Christ 2英国画家安东尼凡戴
Andrea Mantegna的作品「The Dead Christ (Lamentation of Christ)」无水印高清大图免费下载,创作年代:1478,图片尺寸:2024x1698px,风格:Early Renaissance,体裁:宗教画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」
佩特鲁斯·克里斯蒂《哀悼》(TheLamentation,纽约大都会艺术博物馆) 佩特鲁斯·克里斯蒂 哀悼 The Lamentation 1450 纽约大都会艺术博物馆 ntended for private devotion, this painting depicts the lamentation over Christ's dead body in terms conducive to empathetic contemplation. The figures of Joseph of ...
艺术博物馆:文艺复兴开端:乔托 Giotto:哀悼基督Lamentation (The Mourning of Christ),1304-1306 世界博物馆 礼物、美食、时尚、家居、旅行、文化、科技、奢侈品、中高端百货1 人赞同了该文章 目录 收起 简介 艺术博物馆商店 简介 画家:乔托 Painter: Giotto 原始标题: Lamento (Il Compianto di Cristo) ...
of the wet paint. Sandro Botticelli used both egg tempera and oil painting techniques in some of his paintings2,5, as in the Lamentation of Christ (Fig.1). Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and amino acid analysis (AAA) revealed mixtures of varying proportions of egg protein and...
Who is the painter of Starry Night? Who painted Lamentation of Christ? Who painted Olympia? Who painted Summer Afternoon? What did Claude Monet paint haystacks with? Who painted The Anguished Man? Who painted The Goldfinch? Who painted Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette?