and if it isn’t, what is outside of it. They are easy questions to ask but not so easy to answer, not because we don’t have good ideas, but because honest answers require more explanation than can easily be capsulized into a sound bite. So, here we go. ...
unknowable未知unknownknown不可可知 1 The Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable in Financial Policy: An Application to the Subprime Crisis by Richard J. Herring Jacob Safra Professor of International Banking, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania This essay is draws upon a project conducted ...
第一期主题为《相辩——生物分子相分离:The Known and Unknown》,参与讨论的嘉宾为:南方科技大学生命科学学院张明杰院士、中国科学院生物物理研究所张宏院士、中国科学院生物化学与交叉研究中心刘聪研究员、清华大学生命科学学院吝易研究员、北...
The Known, The Unknown and The Unknowable+翻译 The Known, The Unknown and The Unknowable We are all taught what is known, but we rarely learn about what is not known, and we almost never learn about the unknowable. That bias can lead to misconceptions about the world around us. The...
Looking for online definition of Unknown/Unknowns or what Unknown/Unknowns stands for? Unknown/Unknowns is listed in the World's most authoritative dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms
Migrasomes: the knowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns: a personal perspective (vol 64, pg 162, 2021)The original article has been corrected.Yu, LiTsinghua Univ Peking Univ Joint Ctr Life Sciscience china-life sciences
网络释义 1. 未知 未知(THE UNKNOWN)十月(OKTYABR)爱森斯坦奉命为革命胜利十周年拍摄的影片,再次展示了他在镜头语言方面一代 …|基于29个网页 2. 未知世界 同传词汇 - 译者 ... the impossible 不可能的事the unknown未知世界... ...
election day. And the Supreme Court has let stand a Pennsylvania law requiring postal ballots received up to three days after polls close to be counted. If, once again, it all comes down to fine margins in the Midwest, Americans may not know who their next president is for another month....
]【罗,221】**(Some of them have affected not to use the common language but another one, which is absurd for someone making laws. How can they be observed if they are unknown? penguin英译本pp.229.)频繁废除法律,将人民置入因此变换引起的混乱,区分了“自然”与人的思想两种修改法律的标准。(...