the cat played on with a kind of three four waltz but the chords were never the ones you were expecting and I felt breathless trying to keep up with whatever the music was supposed to be but then you suddenly understood a few seconds later but it was too late his dance was awkward and...
The finest Cure-inary track here is definitely the somber "Cloudberry," with its haunting bass chords and multiple guitar overdubs both electric and acoustic. The other three are so static that freshly dried socks literally fly through the air to stick to them. Where was Robert Smith? His he...
趁我还记得和hearts;弦hearts; 快给我一个吧 I want one while I still remember the chords. 百科少校,我们已接近中立区 请向舰桥报到 Were approaching the Neutral Zone. Report to the bridge. 我该走了 I must leave. 什么是中立区啊? Whats this Neutral Zone? 那是罗慕伦帝国和星际联邦 之间的一个...
The guitar plays whatever - notes, chords, it doesn't matter. There are TWO drummers playing together in a spirit of peace and harmony, and the songs, although perhaps the least accessible they'd ever done, are very interesting. Lots of space and time, and very little rockabilly and ...
but the chords were never the ones you were expecting and I felt breathless trying to keep up with whatever the music was supposed to be but then you suddenly understood a few seconds later but it was too late his dance was awkward and weird ...