Tucker’s Only Multi-Specialty Chiropractic In addition to AICA Tucker’s Chiropractors and Physical Therapists, we also have a variety of Medical Specialists on staff that can help fully explore the nature and severity of your injuries. We have Orthopedists who can treat broken bones and sprains...
Chiropractic practice in military and veterans health care: the state of the literature. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2009;53(3):194-204.Green BN, Johnson CD, Lisi AJ, Tucker J. Chiropractic practice in military and veterans health care: the state of the literature. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2009;53:...
Moreover, such measurements have often proved partial according to an idea based on the biopsycosocial model (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health - ICF), where the clinical significance of joint mobility data directly depends on its relation with the person’s reduced a...
Paramount Canada's Wonderland The Parbusters Golf Tournament Parmalat Canada Par-Pak Limited Frank and Diane Passafiume Paterson, MacDougall Barristers & Solicitors A tribute to Carly Patterson Philip and Katie Patterson Suzanne Pavelick A tribute to Mich...
joint as determined by palpation was based on abnormal "end feel", increased resistance to motion and reproduction of pain. They found that the SE and SP were both 1.00. That is, the examiner was able to identify 100% of the symptomatic segments as well as all of the subjects whose pain...