Chiropractor Alpharetta GA is an effective and trusted chiropractic expert in the area. Schedule your chiropractic care appointment today!
chiropractic From the Greek “cheiro” and “praktikos,” meaning done by hand,” this is a manipulative therapy based on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical joint disorders and their effects on the nervous system. Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram...
Hurwitz ELCoulter IDAdams AHGenovese BJShekelle PG Use of chiropractic services from 1985 through 1991 in the United States and Canada. Am J Public Health 1998;88 (5) 771- 776PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 20. Kessler RCDavis RBFoster DF et al. Long-term trends in the use of complementary...
Welcome to the Midtown Crossing Home service Chiropractic! As your chiropractor in Los Angeles Austin Heavy Duty Towing Austin, TX Austin Heavy Duty Towing Localzz - Local People, Businesses, Information, and Websites - The Local Information Network Duluth, MN Localzz - Local People, Businesses, ...
PCCPalmer College of Chiropractic(Davenport, Iowa) PCCPalestinian Central Council PCCParramatta City Council(Australia) PCCPer Capita Consumption(various nations) PCCProcessing under Customs Control(EU Customs regime) PCCPeninsula Covenant Church(Redwood City, CA) ...
The Chiropractor I see (3 years now) is very good at chiropractic care, and he truly believes in the products, I have become trusting in his opinions, he has done much good changing my diet as well as correctly diagnosing a condition that was incorrectly diagnosed by a specialist MD. I...
Charitable gift annuity: An arrangement whereby the donor makes a gift to charity and receives back a guaranteed lifetime (or joint lifetime) income based on the age(s) of the annuitant(s). Charitable lead trust: An arrangement whereby the charity receives an income from a trust for a peri...
To further contribute to evidence-based practice, we performed a practice-based research survey to examine the safety and effectiveness of chiropractic SMT on children. Materials and methods This study was approved by the IRB of Life University, Atlanta, GA, USA. Chiropractors were asked to ...
We have seen, during the past two years, the creation of a joint operating agreement between the School and the Alumni Association, the hiring of a new executive director, the best football team the School has seen in many years and many academic achievements. We are now embarking on a ...
CCPCommission Consultative Paritaire(French: Joint Consultative Committee) CCPCity Center Partnership(various locations) CCPCity Center Parking(Portland, OR) CCPClient Care Program(various locations) CCPChristian City of Praise(Augusta, GA) CCPCentral City Plan(various locations) ...