A.D.A Todd Milken: Miss Stadler could you describe the defendant’s relationship with the diseased?Frances Stadler: It wasn’t good. He was increasingly anger over her affair.A.D.A Todd Milken: Calling your attention to the evening of December 13th this past year. Did you have opportunity...
There should be so much solemnity about it, and so many precautions should be taken, that the people should naturally conclude that laws are deeply sacred, since so many formalities are required in order to repeal them. penguin英译本pp.229.)郁斯贝克的这一段论述非常有趣:立法者只追随逻辑而忽...
” L.S. said. “You can’t tell them right off that they are worshipping false gods, because the mob will become ferocious. It should be within a certain framework.”
Ḥovot Ha-Levavot was reprinted many times, whether in its initial translated version or abridged versions, and it had major influence on the shaping of Ḥaredi societies, which inclines toward maximalist application of the commandments in daily life, beyond what is required by the letter ...
Asdiscriminationagainst Jews increased, German law required a legal definition of aJewand anAryan.Promulgatedat the annualNazi Party rallyinNürnbergon September 15, 1935, theNürnberg Laws—the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour and the Law of the Reich Citizen—became the ...
Are you the same person who said the Torah required Jews to treat each other favourably? Harvey September 19, 2023 at 6:07 pm We agree on that part which states Jews should speak out when they see or hear wrong doing but that’s not what I asked. Again why do you feel it necessary...
But I see clearly that the time had arrived when it was better for me to die and be released from trouble; wherefore the oracle gave no sign. For which reason, also, I am not angry with my condemners, or with my accusers; they have done me no harm, although they did not mean ...
which were expected to behave in accordance with international law and their obligations of members of the United Nations; and one set for Israel, which was not expected to behave, and would not be required to behave, in accordance with international law and its obligations as a m...
To hit her target, Raimondo still needs to nail down contracts with Intel, Micron, Samsung and SK hynix — multibillion-dollar deals that have, at times, been rocky and required renegotiations. Surely the heads of those companies know the offer will likely be off the table after Trump ...
6. (Education) to gain or cause to gain an adequate or required mark, grade, or rating in (an examination, course, etc): the examiner passed them all. 7. (often foll by: away or by) to elapse or allow to elapse: we passed the time talking. 8. pass the time of day with so...