through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe.22For Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom,23but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,24but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God...
Then I remembered a passage from Desire of Ages, I looked it up when I got home, and interestingly enough found it to be in the chapter entitled,“Days of Conflict.“ He passed by no human being as worthless, but sought to apply the saving remedy to every soul. In whatever company He...
10. And Solomon said to him: "Tell me, O demon, to what zodiacal sign thou art subject." And he answered: "To the Water-pourer. And those who are consumed with desire for the noble virgins upon earth [...], these I strangle. But in case there is no disposition to sleep, I am...
He had no desire, it seems, to move to Florida or Texas. He stayed in the trenches, behind enemy lines. He did it for us, because he could handle it, while most of us simply cannot. He knew it was ugly, but he loved to study the ugly, to find its weak points. To probe it....
But Jesus requires a second thought. Jesus requires you to figure out how to LOVE this "enemy."That's relatively easy for you to do in the case of your son, or someone you already love and desire to protect.But what if you see a perfect stranger getting ready to commit an act of ...
“When someone is so determined to find ways to make himself feared,” she told him, “he will invariably first find ways to make himself hated; we are so unhappy that we cannot help longing for a change; in my position another would hope for your death, but I desire only my own; ...
If you desire to live such that your religion is safe and your portion is full and your honour is sound, guard your tongue and never mention another’s faults remembering that you yourself have faults and others have tongues.” (Thanks to Sheikh Hamza Yusuf for the translation) ...
The basis of ability to control sexual desire originates in the female of the species. To put it simply, a man can have many children in one year, but a woman cannot. It’s not adaptive for a woman to “just have sex”. The female strategy “playing hard to get” evolved as a so...
Jews and Gentiles, and made us one person, through Christ’s body on the cross. There is now peace for us all. And in Galatians 3, Paul says that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female. For we are all one in Christ Jesus. God’s desire is ...
Yūsuf. The common denominator of all these prominent historical figures is their relentless hatred of ‘Alī and his followers; Ibn Ziyād was even directly involved in the massacre of al-Ḥusayn, the son of ‘Alī, at Karbalā. Thus, the opposition to ‘Alī and the desire to erase ...