求助,在mesh划分..求助,在mesh划分网格是报错,the mesh file exporter does not support overlapping geometry in named selectiins,该怎么办呢
我在学习fluent的过程中,遇到了网格更新发生错误的问题: 当发生上述问题时,我们需要再次单击mesh选项 进入网格处理界面,在处理界面中你会看到一条错误提示: 这里详细解释了出错的原因,之后根据原因你就可以完美的解决出现的错误。
fluent网格检查出现warning,求高人指点fluent网格检查出现warning,求高人指点 用pointwise画了两个相贯圆柱的结构化网格,导入fluent后check 出现以下提示 Checking mesh... WARNING: The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral, hexahedral, or polyhedral cells. The default algorithm used to compute the wall di...
fluent网格检查出现warning,求高人指点fluent网格检查出现warning,求高人指点 用pointwise画了两个相贯圆柱的结构化网格,导入fluent后check 出现以下提示 Checking mesh... WARNING: The mesh contains high aspect ratio quadrilateral, hexahedral, or polyhedral cells. The default algorithm used to compute the wall di...
在ANSYS中做套管..在ANSYS中做套管式换热器的仿真时,在划分网格的时候出现报错,以下为错误信息:【错误信息一】(DP 0) The mesh file exporter could not resolve cycli
fluent中读写cas(从hypermesh中生成的)发生报错,请各位大侠看我看看是什么问题,Error:Failed in Fill_Domain.Note:It is possible that this case or mesh file needs to be firstprocessed by the serial solver.To do this,please read
I wouldn't recommend the coupled solver at any flows below Mach .4 (until the pressure based coupled solver comes out in the next release of Fluent). I've used the Segregated solver up to Mach 1.5 with great results, but the higher speed, the more mesh dependent you become (because ...
How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math: subtitled the building blocks of understanding are memorization and repetition. One Sure-Fire Way to Improve Your Coding: reading code! Tips for learning programming You can increase your intelligence: 5 ways to maximize your cognitive potential: ...
In fact, the coarser mesh also produced highly similar results. From this point of view, the results can be considered mesh-independent. Figure 7. Temperature profile along the thermocouple axis with grid independence study, Case 1. However, it was noticed that the number of trapped particles...