Hello, I have a problem with meshing in Ansys Fluent. The calculation always gets stuck at 34% at the point "Generating initial mesh..." when creating the "Generating the Volume Mesh" and does not change for hours. The message on the left reads: Initaliz
When I import said geometry into Fluent Meshing, I am selecting "CFD Surface Mesh" from CAD Import to generate an initial coarse mesh. After which merge the three different mesh objects into one mesh object (I believe you need to do this to generate a conformal mesh across the 2 bound...
generatingvolumemeshes. TheuserwillseehowCFDSurfaceMeshImportcanbeuseddirectlytogeneratea surfacemeshwhichcanbeusedforvolumemeshing. •LearningAims: CADworkshopaimstoteachbasicskillsintheuseoftheFluentMeshinginterface. –LaunchingFluentinMesherMode –ImportingCADgeometry ...
3)Not supplying good initial values for turbulent quantities. 出现这个警告,一般来讲,最可能的就是网格质量的问题,尤其是Y+值的问题;在划分网格的时候要注意,第一层网格高度非常重要,可以使用NASA的 Viscous Grid Space Calculator来计算第一层网格高度;如果这方面已经注意了,那就可能是边界条件中有关湍流量的设...
(using Solve->Animate->Define...) or use Fluent to generate individual frames of an animation (by generating a hardcopy image at appropriate intervals, then assemble the animation with an external program. Many available postprocessing tools (e.g. Tecplot) can also generate animations, so ...
If the Initial Data File and the Existing Solution Data both exist, then use Initial Data File to initialize the solution. If the data file is not compatible with the available mesh, then FLUENT's default solution initialization method is used. 8) Graphics, Reporting, and Postprocessing ...
5. Mesh Creation and Refinement: With the mesh parameters set, Fluent automatically generates an initial coarse mesh using its mesh generation algorithms. The quality of this initial mesh depends on the complexity of the geometry and the specified mesh parameters. Next, the mesh can be refined lo...
initial mesh with sufficient accuracy Mostly hexa elements Other element types • To solve boundary shape • Inflation can be added 21 CutCell 网格重构的设置 • To use the CutCell Remeshing – Activate Dynamic mesh – Choose remeshing under Mesh Methods – Click on settings • ...
在上图中,Flow solver以及Dynamic Mesh由于没有选择overwrite,则表示耦合软件不会修改原流场模型的相关定义。Initial field conditions是计算必须指定的,这里面初始压力指定为8MPa。因进气压力为11Mpa,所以模型开始计算的第一步,进气阀会开启,外部气体将进入气腔。耦合界面编号IDs of boundaries for FSI是必须输入的,当...
A:1可能是粒子的数量设置问题 2没用Fluent做过.但我想如果用Fluent与EDEM耦合计算,会更准确.EDEM是专门计算颗粒力学的软件,可以计算颗粒之间的相互作用,颗粒与流体之间的作用,以及颗粒与固体壁面之间的作用.如果流体中的颗粒料径很小,且数量不多时,用Fluent计算应该没什么问题,但如果颗粒较大较多,颗粒对流体的流动...