As an animated interpretation of the Easter Bunny, E. Aster Bunnymund from Rise of the Guardians brings a fresh and charismatic twist to the traditional figure. Possessing incredible agility, combat skills, and egg-based weaponry, Bunnymund is a protector of hope and new life. His...
The premise of the later episode "The Uncle" is that Ocho has an uncle called Mario who has a go-kart, is scared of ghosts and likes dinosaurs, stars and princesses; Gumball takes this to mean that his uncle is the same Mario from the video games; in his excitement, he goes around ...
Also ranks #2 on 14 Sci-Fi Movies That Are Actually Optimistic About The Future Also ranks #4 on The 40+ Best Family Sci-Fi Movies 19 votes Is this a good next watch? Photo: The Amazing World of Gumball 8 The Amazing World of Gumball A 12-year-old cat and his former pet goldfish...
Anais Rip-off Female ♀ Rabbit "The Copycats" She was supposed to be Anais' counterpart in The Incredible World of Chi Chi, but since China has a two-child policy she was scrapped (in-show it was said that she was scrapped due to being female). Angel Richard Male ♂ Angel/Rabbit Hy...
("The Incredible Burt Wonderstone", "Vacation (2015)", "Game Night"), and Christina Hodson ("Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)"), Maya Forbes & Wallace Wolodarsky ("A Dog's Purpose") and features an ensemble cast including Crispin Glover (TV's "...
“I have listened to everyone, and I am making the decision to pause the show’s premiere until the strike is over,” Barrymore wrote in a statement posted to Instagram.“I have no words to express my deepest apologies to anyone I have hurt and, of course, to our incredible team who ...
In The Heart of the Seas In The Heat of the Night In The Heights The Incredible Hulk Inheritance Inside Man The Internship Invisibles Irresistible Jack The Giant Slayer Jackie Brown Jason’s Lyric The Jewel of the Nile Joe Versus The Volcano ...
Vampirella, Alice in Wonderland, Grimm Fairy Tales, Grimm Tales of Terror MATT WEBB|AA-TABLE #TBD Flesh and Blood, John Byrne’s Next Men, Hawkman, Star Trek LEE WEEKS|AA-TABLE #TBD Batman, Superman, Daredevil, Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man ...
Shortfuse/The Incredible Burt Wonderstone (2013) Shortfuse/The Incredible Hulk (2008) Shortfuse/The Incredible Journey (1963) Shortfuse/The Indian in the Cupboard (1995) Shortfuse/The Inevitable Defeat of Mister & Pete Shortfuse/The Infinite Quest Shortfuse/The Interns (1962) Shortfuse/The Invi...
The original Cartoon Network logo used from 1992 to 2004. It is still in legal use on rare occasions, at the end of original programs and a variation has been used in some promotional bumpers. It is also still used on The Amazing World of Gumball....