The Amazing World of Gumball Nicolas Cantu, Kyla Rae Kowalewski, Teresa Gallagher 12,257 votes Take a trip to Elmore, where anthropomorphic animals coexist alongside everyday objects brought to life in this quirky animated series that chronicles the lives of its eccentric inhabitants. Centered...
The current Cartoon Network line-up has a lot of good shows, and bad ones. But a lot of them are just in the middle. This one is just in the middle of average and good. "The Amazing World of Gumball" follows the life of Gumball Watterson, 12-year-old cat who always gets into tr...
2011 broughtThe Amazing World of Gumballto Cartoon Network, a show that quickly detached itself from the rest of the network's series, introducing a young cat named Gumball with a knack for getting into trouble who goes on the craziest adventures with Darwin, his adopted brother and best frien...
"The Flower" is the fifth episode of Season 2 of The Amazing World of Gumball. It is the 41st episode overall. Synopsis Gumball gets jealous of Leslie when the latter starts hanging out with Penny more. Plot SPOILER AHEAD! Important details about the plot or story are up ahead (Skip...
When Gumball and Darwin's conversation dries up, they worry that their friendship is coming to an end. They try to find ways to get the conversation flowing again, but nothing seems to work. Maybe they have just grown apart? 15. The Future ...
The Amazing World of Gumball Nicolas Cantu, Kyla Rae Kowalewski, Teresa Gallagher 78 votes Step into a zany universe where talking fish, walking bananas, and anthropomorphic appliances are the norm. With its eccentric humor, madcap adventures, and offbeat animation, this show will have kids gigglin...
This is a project to document the works of video game designers and programmers for early, primarily 8-bit, systems. It focuses on platforms where most games were created by individuals or small teams, including home computers (like the Atari 800 and Apple II), consoles (like the Atari 2600...
7 The Amazing World of Gumball 8 American Dad! 9 Amphibia 10 Angry Birds Slingshot Stories 11 Animaniacs (2020) 12 Arthur 13 Back to the Future 14 Beavis and Butt-Head 15 Big City Greens 16 Big Hero 6: The Series 17 Big Mouth 18 Bluey 19 Bob's Burgers 20 Bordertown 21 Brandy & Mr...
Alternate Universe Gumball Male ♂ Cat "The Plan" He comes back from the future to tell the mistake that Gumball has made, then gets into a fight with him. Anais' Brain Female ♀ Brain "The Dream," "The Brain" When Anais is trying to explain Gumball's complicated dream, her brain ...
The Oracle: Directed by Mic Graves. With Jacob Hopkins, Terrell Ransom Jr., Kyla Rae Kowalewski, Dan Russell. Gumball, Darwin and Anais discover that Banana Joe's mom paints pictures which predict the future.