S1). For instance, about 50% of the human genome consists of repeats5, while roughly 4% of human genes harbor transposable elements in their protein-coding regions6. Because many of these repeats (~89.5%) are located within introns, they have been erroneously assumed to be non-functional7....
The domestication of plants, thousands of years ago, increased food supply and allowed the formation of large, complex human societies. Out of many thousands of wild species, only a few became domesticated crops and they now provide most of the food consumed by humans. It has long been noted...
while the Pest24 dataset is a large-scale, multi-pest image dataset consisting of 24 classes and 25k images. Experimental results demonstrate that the enhanced model achieves approximately 80% effectiveness
Human centromeres are among the most diverse and rapidly evolving regions of the genome13,14. The bulk of human centromeric DNA is composed of tandemly repeating, approximately 171 bp α-satellite DNA, which is organized into HOR units that can extend for megabase pairs (Mb) of sequence. C...
The basic packaging unit, the nucleosome, consists of approximately 147 base pairs of DNA wrapped around a histone octamer, containing two copies of each of the histone proteins H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The positioning of these nucleosomes along the genome is important for control of gene ...
Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) is the mitochondrial genome of trypanosomatids. It consists of a few dozen maxicircles and several thousand minicircles, all catenated topologically to form a two-dimensional DNA network. Minicircles are heterogeneous in size and sequence among species. They present one or se...
2-6 This has been particularly well established for C4 deficiencies, the prevalence of homozygous C4A deficiency being approximately 10 times higher in patients with LE than in normal controls.7-9 The complete deficiency of C2 is the most frequently occurring homozygous complement deficiency in ...
Before shotgun sequencing, libraries were combined by collecting equal volumes of each library from groups of 96 samples. Libraries were then subjected to sequencing (HiSeq2000 or 2500), resulting in approximately 10 million paired-end reads. The Picard suite (https://broadinstitute.github.io/...
Another large study with 45,398 COVID-19 patients and 13,864 influenza patients found that new-onset, persistent hypertension was 21% in COVID-19 compared to 16% with influenza at approximately 6 months after initial infection [9]. The study by Zhang and colleagues examined the odds ratio ...
N. larvatusandT. cristatus(subfamily Colobinae) split from a common ancestor with subfamily Cercopithecinae approximately 10.37 mya, with species adapted to an arboreal, leaf-eating existence. Although critically endangeredN. larvatusand nearly threatenedT. cristatusare OWM, they do not share the ...