阿伦特《人的境况(the human condition,1958)》小摘要 【按语:在实践优于思辨、行动意味着自由的意义上,阿伦特是康德-尼采式的;就行为属于讲述者而非作者,源自意愿的行动的尺度是伟大而非预先的道德律的意义上,阿伦特更是尼采-海德格尔式的。在《人的境况》中,阿伦特是含混的:她一方面反对古希腊的玄思优于vita ac...
The human ConditionArbeitArbeitArbeitsweltThe human condition by Hannah Arendt (Charles R. Walgreen Foundation Lectures) University of Chicago Press, 1958doi:10.1111/j.1949-8594.1919.tb13994.xUniversity of Chicago Press
“I really believe that all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don’t think that’s only reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I think it really exists and is part of the human condition.”—Kevin Bacon RelatedManage Your Emotions Mo...
1958年出生于英国切尔滕纳姆, 被《每日电讯报》称为“很可能是当今最好的英国作家”。他的写作风格极其独特,涉及音乐、摄影、电影等多个领域,并将小说、游记、传记、评论、回忆录等体裁融为一体,形成了奇异而迷人的“杰夫·戴尔文体”。其主要作品包括小说《寻找马洛里》《杰夫在威尼斯,死亡在瓦拉纳西》,跨文体作品《...
The human condition. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1958. Google Scholar Bloom, H.A map of misreading. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975. Google Scholar Brown, N. O.Closing time. New York: Random House, 1973. Google Scholar Carr, D.Phenomenology and the problem ...
(1958/1998). The human condition (2nd ed.). University of Chicago Press. Backes, B., & Cowan, J. (2019). Is the pen mightier than the keyboard? The effect of online testing on measured student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 68, 89–103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econ...
be meaningfully posed only within philosophical traditions that were founded upon, andperpetuated, misapprehensions of some fundamental aspect of human experience or the human condition. For Wittgenstein, the misapprehensions concerned human language and thought; for Heidegger, they concerned human being....
Auditory stimulus reconstruction is a technique that finds the best approximation of the acoustic stimulus from the population of evoked neural activity. Reconstructing speech from the human auditory cortex creates the possibility of a speech neuroprosth
The obvious and shallow notion is: -- In production the members of society appropriate (create, fashion) natural products in accordance with human needs; distribution determines the proportion in which the individual shares these products; exchange brings him the particular products into which he want...
Arendt, H. (1998 [1958]).The human condition. Chicago University Press. Google Scholar Arendt, H. (2013 [1963]).On revolution. Penguin Books. Google Scholar Aristotle. (1981 [349 a. c.]).Politics. Penguin Random House. Google Scholar ...