This is fully explained in our FAQs about politics. Robert Reply I don’t feel “angry, alienated and egocentric ” and never have. Is there something wrong with me?! Also, it seems rather overly optimistic that an intellectual idea can change human behaviour. People are driven primarily ...
World Transformation Movement is a global charity that brings transforming biological understanding to the underlying problem in human life of the human condition.
The Human Condition Documentary Proposal Part 4 The Human Condition. What then is the answer to this question of questions, this problem of good and evil in the human make-up, this dilemma of the human condition? What is the ‘origin of sin’?
A quick summary of what has been explained so far in this email series will reveal what the human condition really is—and show how it is solved.In The Great Guilt that causes the Deaf Effect and the first video/essay of this Freedom Essay series I introduced the overall situation ...
Civilisation and the human condition defined and explained as the blossoming then shrivelling of the shared human understanding known as society
Civilisation and the human condition defined and explained as the blossoming then shrivelling of the shared human understanding known as society
The seeking of wisdom(e.g. a focus on generating insights into the human condition, ethics and what it means to be human) Let’s compare that to the social sciences, for example, which is the humanities’ closest cousin. In the social sciences, you’re more likely to see the features ...
their transgressions, but it is not explained precisely what it is that is being repented or in what sense they disobeyed Dr. Primrose in the first place. The vicar frames his reproach to his flock in terms of their havi...
These findings are consistent with previous research on ingroup biasing effects that cannot be explained by or theories. An alternative explanation is that sociality was a primary factor shaping the evolution ...
Hannah Arendt was convinced of the weakness of the notion of the social, affirming that it is an obstacle to the political apprehension of the human condition. According to her, the notion of social is conceived as a vague encompassing which brings together the discourses which attempt to ration...