近日,The BMJ主编Kamran Abbasi博士以及英国《卫生服务杂志》(Health Service Journal, HSJ)编辑Alastair McLellan在The BMJ 刊发的一篇联合社论中表示,“与新冠共存”的做法正在成为压垮英国国家医疗服务体系(National Health Service, NHS)的那根稻草,现在政府是时候正视新冠大流行的威胁依然存在这一现实了。 他们警告...
Connect with a health coach of your choice, with multiple languages spoken to ensure everyone is catered for. How to join the programme Step 1 Know your risk Use the Diabetes UK ‘Know your Risk’ tool, or attend your free NHS Health Check to see if you are eligible to join the program...
We Care About Your Privacy We and our 872 partners store and/or access information on a device, such as unique IDs in cookies to process personal data. You may accept or manage your choices by clicking below, including your right to object where legitimate interest is used, or at any ...
NHS基金会信托下属 皇家马斯登医院 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust 皇家马斯登是世界上第一家致力于癌症的医院,于1851年创立,与其学术合作伙伴癌症研究所(ICR)一起,皇家马斯登是世界位列前三的癌症医院,也是欧洲最大的综合癌症中心,每年治疗超过60,000名NHS和自费癌症患者。
Health policy: health care and the NHSWall AHealth & Social Care in the Community
The National Health Service caters to more than 60 million patients across the UK and using new technology is becoming increasingly important to the program's continued success. ZDNet and TechRepublic have put together a collection of articles that focus
I live in a private house. The school is currently closed, but our class has sent an e-mail notification in preparation for online classes. The visa cannot be extended because the Landesamt für Einwanderung has suspended...
If it's true that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, preventive healthcare might really save the embattled NHS—now celebrating its 75th anniversary. By promoting healthy lifestyles, earlydiseasedetection and timely treatment, the NHS could reducechronic diseasessuch as type 2 diabet...
“We have been working with TCM, in order to set up an In-house Mediation Service. TCM trainers have a passion for resolving conflict & their enthusiasm both engages, inspires and energises others.” Julie Plant Head of Learning and Development at Brandon Trust ...
The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is four things: 1) the fundamental tenets of primary care: first contact access, comprehensiveness, integration/coordination, and relationships involving sustained partnership; 2) new ways of organizing practice; 3) development of practices’ internal capabilities...