I am an experienced nurse and care manager, having spent many years with both the NHS and Barchester. I love working for Barchester and leading the team at Westgate House in the care and support of residents to provide first class service that meets their individual needs. We have a truly ...
Darren Lawton-Edge Named professional safeguarding adults at Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust ‘The mediation training is a professional and well run course, which will give you the skill needed to be a good mediator. The course is well structured and the role play helps your learning and under...
Laying claim to the experiences of wives and mothers to enable welfare activism has a long history. From the late nineteenth century the Women’s Co-operative Guild (WCG) demanded better housing, maternity care and social welfare provision, informed by the lived experiences of poorer working-class...
Queen Anne was never queen of Scots under the Act of Settlement, or made a queen of Scots by the ” further Act of limitation” passed in the Westminster parliament of England. Both these Acts were for securing the line of descent to the throne of England. It was extended to include Sco...
The former NHS Clinic at the ‘T Junction’ is transformed into a day care service. The former Museum and Art Gallery now an archive and local studies centre. The building was designed in the office of the Doncaster Borough Architect’s Department in a team led by borough architect Mr LJ ...
Move House to Get Better Care, Says NHS Chief
I don’t want to see a repeat of what happened in the Land of the Free on January 6th this year in Old England if people take things to extremes. I mentioned about a year ago a young girl was a bit odd with me when I was wearing a mask but I took the position (paraphrasing an...
HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE BILL In defence of the NHS: why writing to the House of Lords was necessaryArchive Staff OnlyMcKee, MPollock, A MClarke, AMcCoy, DMiddleton, JRaine, RScottSamuel, AMcKee M, Pollock AM, Clarke A et al. In defence of the NHS: why writing to the House of ...