Research on the theory of multimodal discourse analysis in college English teachingPING HEQIONG LIUJournal of Mines, Metals & Fuels
In the final chapters, an emphasis is placed on the educational implications of multimodality in first and second language contexts, a particularly new and interesting contribution. New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 New Directions in the Analysis of ...
The Pattern of Thematic Progression of Narrative Texts --the analysis of The wom an on the hilltop 本文以故事《山顶上的女人》为语料,以系统功能语法中对语篇进行分析的方法之一(主位分布)为手段,探讨了叙事语篇的主位推进模式.结论是:叙事语篇体裁的交际目的是向对... 陈原艳 - 《科海故事博览:科教创新...
Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) is an emerging field in communication and information science. While Critical Language Study examined verbal choices, contexts and meanings, and implicated power relationships, MDA explores images, music, sound, gesture, and so on. Not medium-specific, it can (and...
多模态话语 (multimodaldiscourse)研究兴起于20世纪9O年代, 是指运用听觉、视觉、触觉等多种感觉,通过语言、图像、声音、动作等多种手段和符号资源进行交际的现 象。[1大学英语课堂教学中,文化传播的核心在于不 断扩大学生的视野,传播文化理念,引导学生用批判 的思维方式指导日常实践,将人文通识教育贯穿到 教学的各...
关键词:电影字幕翻译;文化;语境;内容;表达 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671‐9247(2013)05‐0092‐02 MultimodalDiscourseAnalysisoftheSubtitleTranslationofFilmLifeofPi ZHUPing (SchoolofForeignLanguage,NanjingXiaozhuangUniversity,Nanjing210000,Jiangsu,China) Abstract:Multimodaldiscourseanalysisestablishe...
Based on multimodal communicative theory and the theory of context of system-functional linguistics,a theoretical framework for multimodal discourse of online communities is set up on three levels: the level of context,the level of content and the level of presentation. Through a quantitative analysis...
New Directions in the Analysis of Multimodal Discourse offers a comprehensive international view of multimodal discourse and presents new directions for research and application in this growing field. With contributions from top scholars around the world, this work opens up the field of multimodal discou...
This dissertation establishes a theoretical framework for multimodal discourse analysis, applying the theoretical notions to the question of identity construction of two women living in Germany. ^ The multimodal framework allows the incorporation of concurrent actions and the setting, which traditionally have...
Multimodal research is naturally interdisciplinary, allowing research studied from different disciplines and theoretical perspectives. The main challenge is the lack of empirical research with large corpora, especially when applied to visuo-verbal discourse. This chapter takes the GeM (Genre and Multimodality...