Nature MedicineIngram GE: The History of Hemophilia. J. Clin. Pathol. 1976; 29(6): 469-479.Sutaryo, Ardianto B. History of hemophilia. Kongres Nasional III Himpunan Masyarakat Hemofilia Indonesia: Penanganan Terpadu Hemophilia menuju Masa Depan yang Lebih Cerah, Surabaya; 2011. p. 44-50....
demographics, medical history, and health-related QoL.3 All respondents to both the HERO and B-HERO-S sur- veys who reported being "married" or "in a relationship" were given the option to answer additional questions concerning their sexual health and intimacy as part of a subscale of the ...
1,3,7,16 Contrariwise, certain bleeders who suffer only from easy bruising or excessive postoperative bleeding, often without a family history of a hemorrhagic tendency, prove to have hemophilia after determination of plasma AHF.5,11 These observations have led to the recognition of hemophilia as...
The history of clinical trials can be dated back to approximately 600 B. C. [100], and various types of clinical trials have been de- veloped ever since. Clinical trials can be classified by the aspects of intervention that investigators want to explore, the way in which the participants ...
Sexuality is most natural and healthy when it is part of an emotionally genuine relationship, not even as its central part but rather as an upgrade of the intimacy of two people who are mutually loyal, committed, loving and respectful. However, if an individual was sexually abused in childhoo...
In HistoryExamples of the transmission of hemophilia have been found in several royal families. The family of Queen Victoria of England and, later, that of her granddaughter the Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna were affected. The apparent ability of Rasputin to check the hemophilia of the czarina's ...
The author has made a careful study of medical literature but has not discovered any account of haemophilia occurring in a negro. Hence, in that here recorded there is absence of the usual family history of " the hereditary tendency of males to bleed." The patient gave a history of excessiv...
The history of FEIBA: a lifetime of success in the treatment of hemophilia complicated by an inhibitor. Haemophilia 2006; 12 (Suppl 5): 4-13.Negrier, C.; Gomperts, E.D.; Oldenburg, J. The history of FEIBA: A lifetime of success in the treatment of hemophilia complicated by an ...
Testing for Hemophilia Some babies should be tested for hemophilia soon after birth, including: Babies born to families with a history of hemophilia Babies whose mothers are carriers of hemophilia Babies who have bleeding symptoms at birth Cord blood may be used to test for clotting proteins. This...