【雅思听力C13-Test 4-Section4真题精听】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供C13-Test 4-Section4真题The history of coffee句子/段落/全文精听及听写。备考练习雅思听力C13-Test 4-Section4,上雅思考满分。
which had been colonised by the Dutch, the peasants grew coffee and passed a proportion of this on to the Dutch, so it was used as a means oftaxation (Q36). But whatever
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. The history of coffee Coffee in the Arab world ·There was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia. ·1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine. ·1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered the31___ of every coffee...
The history of coffee Coffee in the Arab world ●These was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia. ● 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine. ● 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered theof every coffee house. ...
The history of coffee Coffee in the Arab world • There was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia. • 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine. • 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered theof every coffee house. ...
剑桥雅思13Test4Section4听力答案解析 The history of coffee 剑桥雅思13听力第四套题目第四部分由10道提纲型填空题组成。主要难度在于前面的引入部分过长,很容易让人怀疑答案是不是已经过去,造成较大的心理压力。不过到达正文之后,难度并不是很大。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
【干货满满】雅思剑桥13 历史类听力精读 (The History of Coffee) 更多服务 ■雅思提分月计划课程(直播班) ■雅思写作批改服务 作者:雅思小伦哥 来源:博珂英华(微信公众号) 著作权归作者所有。商业转载请联系作者获得授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 博珂英华:专注财经以及英语的知识分享、教材编写和提升课程。
「干货满满」雅思剑桥13历史类听力精读TheHistoryofCoffee In the following presentation, the professor is going to talk about coffee, and its importance both in economic and social terms. 在接下来的演讲中,教授将讨论咖啡,以及它在经济和社会方面的重要性。 历史类话题中教授最先进行最初历史发展的介绍。
雅思阅读第185套P2-Coffee then and now (History of coffee) 00:24 雅思阅读第185套P3-E-training 00:22 雅思阅读第186套P1-Traditional Maori medicines 00:16 雅思阅读第190套P3-Internal and External Marketing 01:03 雅思阅读第190套P1-Radiocarbon Dating - The Profile of Nancy Athfield 00:57 ...
16. B 17. B 18. D 19. A 20. E 剑桥雅思13Test4Section1听力原文与答案 Alex’s Training 剑桥雅思13Test4Section3听力原文与答案 Labels give nutritional information on food packaging 剑桥雅思13Test4Section4听力原文与答案 The History of Coffee...