By the mid-1500s, coffee bushes were being cultivated in the Yemen and for the next hundred years this region produced most of the coffee drunk in Africa and the Arab world. What’s particularly interesting about coffee is its effect on social life. It was rarely drunk at home, but inste...
【雅思听力C13-Test 4-Section4真题精听】雅思考满分为IELTS考生提供C13-Test 4-Section4真题The history of coffee句子/段落/全文精听及听写。备考练习雅思听力C13-Test 4-Section4,上雅思考满分。
The history of coffee Coffee in the Arab world ·There was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia. ·1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine. ·1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered the31___ of every coffee house. Coffee arrives in Europe (17th...
The history of coffee Coffee in the Arab world • There was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia. • 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine. • 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered theof every coffee house. ...
The history of coffee Coffee in the Arab world ●These was small-scale trade in wild coffee from Ethiopia. ● 1522: Coffee was approved in the Ottoman court as a type of medicine. ● 1623: In Constantinople, the ruler ordered theof every coffee house. ...
剑桥雅思13Test4Section4听力答案解析 The history of coffee 剑桥雅思13听力第四套题目第四部分由10道提纲型填空题组成。主要难度在于前面的引入部分过长,很容易让人怀疑答案是不是已经过去,造成较大的心理压力。不过到达正文之后,难度并不是很大。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。
【干货满满】雅思剑桥13 历史类听力精读 (The History of Coffee) ■托福提分月计划课程(直播班) ■ SAT写作考前佛脚班(直播班) ■ 托福写作/SAT写作批改服务 *更多TOEFL丨SAT丨AP实用的提分秘籍和有趣好玩的视频课程,关注微信公众号"SATPEDIA"。编辑于 2019-05-24 07:12 内容所属专栏 教书匠阿伦|SATPEDIA...
「干货满满」雅思剑桥13历史类听力精读TheHistoryofCoffee In the following presentation, the professor is going to talk about coffee, and its importance both in economic and social terms. 在接下来的演讲中,教授将讨论咖啡,以及它在经济和社会方面的重要性。 历史类话题中教授最先进行最初历史发展的介绍。
C13 - Test 4 - Section4 - The history of coffee加载中... Put on your headphones and click on the Play sound button to play a sample sound. Play sound If you cannot hear the sound clearly, please check your audio player. Continue ...