has been working on the Treaty for nearly a decade. Having attended every single UN meeting on the Treaty and being a working group lead on behalf of the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative, she says that “no one country can conserve the high seas alone. We really need cooperation here. It...
orBBNJ, but widely referred to as the High Seas Treaty, the measure approved by the 193 U.N. member states imposes rules aimed at protecting the environment and heading off disputes over natural
On March 4th, after 10 years of difficult talks, nearly 200 countries agreed to a new UN agreement—the High Seas Treaty (《公海保护协议》). It is the first of its kind in 40 years. 1 Oceans cover about 71% of the earth’s surface, and are home to all kinds of animals and pl...
The new 'High Seas Treaty' adopted by the United Nations on June 19, 2023, leaves a lot open to question but does establish several historic benchmarks for protecting the high seas, setting the stage for further scientific exploration and paving the way for more effective marine conservation....
And in March, countries agreed to the historic High Seas Treaty on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction. 3月,各国就国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题达成了历史性的《公海条约》。
Venturedthe high seasin a small boat. 可以随意在远海航行的船. 互联网 The Antarctica treaty applies to all areas (the high seasexcepted ) below latitude 60 degrees south. 南极洲公约》适用于除公海以外位于 南纬 60度以南的所有区域. 互联网 ...
The UN Member states have finally agreed to a legally-binding “high seas treaty” to protect marine life in international waters, a fragile and vital treasure that covers nearly half the planet, according to the United Nation news. After the UN passed this agreement, the UN chief Antonio ...
7 This question concerning article 6 of the High Seas Con- vention arose as a case of first impression. The issue therefore became whether, by its ratification of that agreement, the United States intended to incorporate the treaty's language into its domestic law, and thereby preclude the ...
However, these precedents provide an example for the offshore wind industry of how many years a legal framework can take to be built. The ISA took more than 20 years of negotiation between member states to formally establish. The treaty concerning biodiversity has been negotiated since...
Google Scholar Opposition to this basic concept seems to have originated with President Reagan. In 1970 President Nixon, no radical internationalist, proposed that all nations adopt a treaty under which they would renounce all national claims to resources of the sea beyond the continental shelf and ...