The UN Member states have finally agreed to a legally-binding “high seas treaty” to protect marine life in international waters, a fragile and vital treasure that covers nearly half the planet, according to the United Nation news. After the UN passed this agreement, the UN chief Antonio ...
The biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement, also referred to as the High Seas Treaty, is moving closer to enforcement, and countries are meeting from 24 to 26 June as part of a United Nations preparatory commission to discuss the ...
An updated framework to protect marine life in the regions outside national boundary waters, known as the high seas, had been in discussions for more than 20 years, but previous efforts to reach an agreement had repeatedly stalled. The unified agreement treaty, which applies to nearly half...
has been working on the Treaty for nearly a decade. Having attended every single UN meeting on the Treaty and being a working group lead on behalf of the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative, she says that “no one country can conserve the high seas alone. We really need cooperation here. It...
The treaty is the first to specifically focus on biodiversity of international waters, outside the jurisdiction of any one nation as such waters make up roughly half the world's oceans. The UN has worked toward such an agreement for more than 20 years. The agreement will be open for signatu...
For the first time, United Nations members have agreed on a unified treaty to protect biodiversity in the high seas, concluding two weeks of talks in New York.
On 4 March, UN negotiators agreed the first ever treaty to protect the world's oceans that lie outside national boundaries. The Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement, known as the High Seas Treaty, will inevitably have implications for international shipping, but exactly what ...
But setting up reserves and requiring environmental impact assessments would place limits on the freedom of the seas enshrined in UNCLOS, meaning it would require an adjustment. This is why a binding agreement on protecting the high seas isbeing seenas the most important piece of marine legislation...
The new treaty is underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which defines coastal state jurisdiction and establishes the international high seas.United States Naval Institute. ProceedingsLawson W. Brigham
But in a sign of the work still to come, Russia's delegate Sergey Leonidchenko on Monday made it clear that his country, "distances itself from the consensus on the text of the agreement prepared by the conference." While Moscow did not seek to block adoption of the treaty by...