The heart is divided into left and right sides. Each side is subdivided to form the four chambers of the heart. The atria are the two upper chambers of the heart. They are the receiving chambers, and all blood vessels coming into the heart enter here (singular, atrium). The atria are ...
You can see that the heart is divided into two smaller atria and two larger ventricles, which are pockets or chambers in the cardiac muscle. They are lined with epithelium. Blood from the body enters the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cavae. From the right atrium, it ...
房中隔和室中隔把心脏分为左、右两半,每半又由房室口及周围的瓣膜分为上部的心房和下部的心室。 The heart is the power organ of the blood vessel. It sits in the chest cavity among the lungs and like a slightly flattened cone. The heart is divided into four chambers, the left and right atri...
Foodisalwayscritical, 很多动物建筑者把食物贮藏室设在屋子中hearts;央hearts; somanyanimalbuildersputalarderattheheartoftheirhomes. 河狸的隧hearts;道hearts;和池塘系统就是巨大的冷室 Thebeaverssystemofcanalsandpondsisamassivecoldstore. 河狸吃树皮和树叶 ...
(I confess, Usbek, that I’ve never seen anyone weep without pitying them; I am filled with benevolence for the unfortunate, as if they alone were men; even the nobles, towards whom, while they are still powerful, my heart is like stone, the moment they fall I find I love them. ...
Your ventricles then relax during diastole and are filled with blood coming from the upper chambers—the left and right atria. Then the cycle starts over again. Your heart is nourished by blood too. Blood vessels called coronary arteries extend over the surface of your heart and branch into ...
The Drosophila heart has one (in larvae) or three (in adults) intracardiac valves that subdivide the heart into distinct chambers. In Figure 2(C1), the valves are colored in green. Each valve consists of two contralaterally located cells with a unique histology (Figure 4). Large ...
Endocardium (endo-cardium) is the thin inner layer of the heart wall. This layer lines the inner heart chambers, coversheart valves, and is continuous with the endothelium of largeblood vessels. The endocardium of heartatriaconsists of smooth muscle, as well as elastic fibers. An infection of...
chewing up an opponen cheyne-stokes respira chf chronic heart fai chfca chfsgd chgportexe same as us chhiah-sua tuĀ-ham ch chhin-chhin chhÌ-liĀn chi chu miao tiao chi chuang chi confessa il figli chi crede nel figliuo chi haa ochino chi hai xian chi keung au chi kung chi ...
A wall of muscle divides the heart into two cavities: the left cavity pumps blood throughout the body, while the right cavity pumps blood only through the lungs. Each cavity is in turn divided into two chambers, the upper ones called atria, the lower ones ventricles. Venous blood from the...