Labeled illustration of the human heart by Eric Pierce What are the chambers of the heart? The heart has two sides: the left side and the right side. Each side of the heart is divided into two parts producing 4 chambers. The upper chambers are called the atriums and the lower chambers ...
题目"There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity.", which author of the following authors does the mention belong to A. Washington Irving. B. Ralph Waldo Emerson.C. Nathaniel Hawthorne. D. Walt ...
the heart which is the most variable, the most inconstant of nature’s creations; two people, almost invariably ill-matched, were burdened with each other, bound together without recourse and without hope; it was like those tyrants who chained living men...
书林撷英·外国文学(101) | Accident ruled every corner of the universe except the chambers of the human heart. 意外统御宇宙万物,唯独人心除外。 ——戴维·伽特森《雪落香杉树》 Resist much, obey little. 多反抗,少服从。 ——沃尔特·惠特曼《草叶集》 Even in the future the story begins with once...
The Love of Beauty爱美The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. It is a moral quality. The absence of it is not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of it is an invariable sign of goodness of heart. I...
To Chinese musicians and music lovers, the contentment of the wild geese represents the human heart.古琴力求营造一个宁静的氛围。琴曲《平沙落雁》:第一部分,伴随着悠扬的旋律,一幅秋日长江图浮现眼帘;紧接着,旋律转为明快,以模仿大雁的啁啾之声;最后,大雁从容落到江畔,激起层层涟漪。古人借鸿鹄之远志,抒发...
The Book of Imaginary Beings is Borges s whimsical compendium of more than one hundred of the "strange creatures conceived down through history by the human imagination." This unique contribution to fantasy literature ranges widely across the world s mythologies and literatures to bring together the...
(Cohen, 2007). Further, glocalization, which is at the heart of hybridization, refers to the interpretation of the global and local producing unique outcomes in different geographic regions (Giulianotti and Robertson, 2007). Glocalization is reflected by the fact that the world is gro...
fell silent. His journey from the lonely corner to the spotlightrevealedthat truestrengthoften speaks in whispers. Havingtransformedfrom the invisible observer into aninspiringstoryteller, Deepseek showed that magic happens when wed...
I never wanted to believe in it, but somewhere in the back of my heart, I worried the prophecies might be true. Here in my dream, I saw the reality of it. This is the fate of our world without love, and so many people I love were lost in the midst of this fire. Again I ...