The Raven and the Swan A Raven saw aSwan and desired to secure for himself the same beautiful plumage. Supposingthat the Swan’s splendid white color arose from his washing in the water inwhich he swam, the Raven left the altars in the neighborhood where he picked uphis living, and took...
” And the ram took out the wolf’s head, when the goat said, “No, not that one. Let’s have the other bigger one!” And again the ram gave him the same head, but he said, “No,
GOAT,即Greatest Of All Time,意为历史最佳。在体育领域之中,该词汇时常被用来指代对应项目的历史第一人,现在人们更乐意用GOAT来直接代替“Greatest Of All Time”使用。 ——— 除了表示Greatest Of All Time,“GOAT”还有什么意思? (stop)act/play the goat 举止轻浮 看到这个短语的时候,...
The Wolf and the Kid A Kid, (the proper name for a baby goat) was perched up(栖息) on the top of a house, and looking down, saw a Wolf passing by under him. Immediately(立即) he began to shout at his enemy(敌人). "You murderer! You rotten thief(烂贼)!" he cried, from the...
A ram is a male sheep, known for its woolly coat and curved horns, while a goat is a distinct species that can climb and has a variety of breeds with different traits.
Topic 4: The fox and the goat 狐 和山羊A fox is in a deep (深的) well (井). He wants to get out, but he can't.A goat is thirsty. He looks down into the well."How is the water?""The water is cool and nice. Jump in and have a drink!"The goat is very thirsty. ...
Vision of the Ram and Goat - In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a [second] vision appeared to me, Daniel, [this was two years] after
【题目】A clever goat一只聪明的山羊A goat is on the top of a high and steep rock. He is eating g
酷狗音乐为您提供由Arne Jansen、Andreas Edelmann、Eric Schaefer、Friedrich Paravicini演唱的高清音质无损The Great He Goatmp3在线听,听The Great He Goat,只来酷狗音乐!
The goat had a conspicuous horn[b] between his eyes. 6 He came toward the two-horned ram I had seen standing beside the canal and rushed at him with savage fury. 7 I saw him approaching the ram, and infuriated with him, he struck the ram, shattering his two horns, and the ram ...