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How to be a Guardian, learn about the Global Commons and safeguard the future of your planet Your giuide to Health Enter the new XMM-Newton 'Stargazing' competition The Guardians of the Millennium, in support of UNESCO <> net aid
《卫报》The Guardian (UK).docx,《卫报》The Guardian (UK)首页首页版式分布:头条;要闻;运动;观点;英国那些事儿;世界那些事儿;简讯;深度报道;参与;图片视频;热点;大图 1、头条(大图+文字)文章下面设置评论区,读者可以免费注册,登录卫报账号参与讨论,亦
guardian professional networks专家网络,相当于一个社区组织,专家分享观点、庆祝成功、面对生活当中的挑战;一共分为16个专家组织,比如事业、文化、科技、健康等。 Outline:Headlines,highlights,sport,opinion,from the UK,around the world,in brief,in depth,take part,pictures & video,people,popular,the big pictur...
The Guardian free app for Windows is the easiest way to access online content from one of the UK's foremost news and media outlets with plenty of political, sports and international writing. It allows you to tailor the various sections so you always see what matters to you. ...
Sister papers include The Observer (UK Sunday paper) and The Guardian Weekly (distributed internationally), as well as a large web presence. It is now owned by the Scott Trust, via the Guardian Media Group. The paper identifies with centre-left liberalism and its readership is generally on ...
The Guardian web service has access to all the content the Guardian news organization creates, categorized by tags and section.This connector is available in the following products and regions:Развернутьтаблицу ServiceClassRegions Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions ...
The article focuses on the press campaign titled "Fresh," by the newspaper "The Guardian." "Fresh" has won a host of prizes, including Campaign Press and a D&AD Yellow Pencil for the best integrated campaign. The agency DDB London was briefed to bring "The Guardian," from the fringes of...
网址: 试读章节: 10. BBC 英国的公共广播机构, 大多数英语学习者应该都曾经用过或者正在用BBC News。最大的特点是口音种类繁多,对于有雅思考试需求的学...
– video explainer" data-video-provider=""> What is article 50? Tridimas is one of those who believes the article 50 process could be reversed before the UK’s exit from the EU had been completed. “My view is that it is reversible,” he said. “There’s nothing...