THE-GUARDIAN-UK 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Victory in the end came as easily as the polls had predicted. -- The Guardian, UK. “正如民调所预测的那样,胜利最终波澜不惊地到来。”——英国《卫报》。© 2024 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
《卫报》(The Guardian)是英国的全国性综合内容日报。创刊于1821年,因总部设于曼彻斯特而称为《曼彻斯特卫报》。 关注话题 管理 分享 简介 讨论 精华 等待回答 切换为热门排序 卫报| 中国结婚率降至历史最低值(She said no: marriages in China plummet to record low) ...
The Guardian (UK) Best Books of the YearAmerican Library AssociationBooksellers & Industry AwardsChildren's Book AwardsCooking and Food AwardsCosta/Whitbread Literary AwardsMan Booker PrizeMystery, CrimeThriller AwardsNational Book AwardsMacmillan
See the front page of The Guardian newspaper from UK for 23 August 2023 or view our archive of thousands of newspaper front pages. 3、每篇文章下面都有同类文章推荐,在页面最底部跟进两个排行:该 版块文章TOP10,卫报总体文章TOP1O。 二、版块设置(21个栏目) 除了主页外,一共设有21个栏目,其中按照内容划分:UK、世界、运动、足球、观点、文化、经济、生活方式、时尚、环境、科技、理财、旅行、科学、教育、媒体...
《卫报》The Guardian (UK).docx,《卫报》The Guardian (UK)首页首页版式分布:头条;要闻;运动;观点;英国那些事儿;世界那些事儿;简讯;深度报道;参与;图片视频;热点;大图 1、头条(大图+文字)文章下面设置评论区,读者可以免费注册,登录卫报账号参与讨论,亦
xls - Nasco (UK) 热度: Reciprocal reading PowerPoint (UK) - Primary Resources 热度: 《卫报》TheGuardian(UK) 一、首页 首页版式分布:头条;要闻;运动;观点;英国那些事儿;世界那些事儿; 简讯;深度报道;参与;图片&视频;热点;大图 1、头条(大图+文字) ...
A repeated criticism of the UK's university sector is its noticeable weakness in translating new knowledge into new products and services. Recently, the UK National Stem Cell Network warned the UK could lose its place among the world leaders in stem cell research unless adequate funding and legis...
The Guardian, free and safe download. The Guardian latest version: Quality journalism in one app. The Guardian free app for Windows is the easiest way
网址: 试读章节: 10. BBC 英国的公共广播机构, 大多数英语学习者应该都曾经用过或者正在用BBC News。最大的特点是口音种类繁多,对于有雅思考试需求的学...