Green gentrification: Urban sustainability and the struggle for environmental justice. London and New York: Routledge.Lewis T. and Gould K. 2016 (Eds), Green Gentrification : Urban Sustainability and the Struggle for Environmental Justice, Routledge, London...
Not only is the claim made without evidence, it also doesn't make any sense. If the point were gentrification why would the District be building bike lanes on Arizona Ave, Columbia Road or M Street SE/SW - those areas are already wealthy? Further, we'd have to believe that they don't...
The energy consumption of Cloud–Edge systems is becoming a critical concern economically, environmentally, and societally; some studies suggest data
With a new NDP/Green Government in power, there’s hope in the air once again. They have a lot on their agenda, and it remains to be seen if there’s anything that can be done to either change Holborn’s gentrification plans for this site, or hasten the building of replacement social...
Then, for each index, a point-in-polygon count vector analysis was conducted using GIS software to determine the prevalence of green infrastructure assets within the varying gentrification categories. Finally, using the method of dialectical materialism, close readings of theoretical, governmental, and ...
Living things such as plants,fungi,andbacteriaall absorb carbon and either cycle it into growth, like trees do, bury it deep beneath the surface, where it may eventually turn intocoal or oil, or use it to feed other life forms.Life mediates climate.But modern civilization is all about gett...
While correlation is not causation, data show us that where you find walkable, bikeable communities, you also find gentrification. Pardon me, but this position is bananas. I generally support the same goals as DC policy center (and Charles Allen noted that he and they were often allied too)...
The light turns green and I drive on without an answer. Later that evening I turn off my work computer, trudge to my room, turn off the lights and get ready to repeat the whole cycle all over again the next day. Mid-February. I think Laying in bed one evening with the tablet on ...
select article Climate gentrification along with parks’ cooling performance in one of China’s tropical industrial cities Research articleAbstract only Climate gentrification along with parks’ cooling performance in one of China’s tropical industrial cities Manqing Shi, Yutong Wang, Hangquan Lv, Wen...
power complex has undergone a process of restructuring with new players consolidating their power (Braun and Koddenbrock,2022). Despite the financial sector’s public commitment to “greening investments” through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Green Taxonomies, this has often ...