The Greatest Showman: Directed by Michael Gracey. With Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams, Zac Efron, Zendaya. Celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.
Synopsis:"The Greatest Showman" is a bold and original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and the sense of wonder we feel when dreams come to life. Inspired by the ambition and imagination of P.T. Barnum, "The Greatest Showman" tells the story of a visionary who rose from...
The Greatest Showman tells the incredible true story of P.T. Barnum and his famous circus. The film chronicles the rise of Barnum (Hugh Jackman) from a penniless dreamer to a wealthy and well-respected gentleman, establishing his circus with the help of playwright Philip Carlyle (Zac Efron)...
Movie genre Music & PerformanceThe Greatest Showman (DVD), 20th Century Fox, Music & Performance Action & AdventureWonder Woman 1984: Special Edition [DVD] Kids & FamilyFrozen II (DVD) HorrorKing of Horror: Expanded Edition 8-Film (Walmart Exclusive) (DVD) Kids & FamilyA Charlie Brown Chris...
Rating: 0 (from 0 votes) The Greatest Showman (Blu-ray) - Movie Review, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating admin View My Other Posts Related Items Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical – Review PC, PS4, PS5, Reviews, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S Belle (Ryû to sobakasu...
And so, it comes as little surprise when I say that although the film itself and the talent behind it is exceptional, the greatest justice I can do for The Greatest Showman, is to highlight the real heroes and victims of a show that upon closer scrutiny was neither great, nor made of...
The Greatest Showman: With Georgia Dana, Simon Lane, Sophie Rogerson. A Gee's musical pick, Huge Jackedman stars as a fictionised version of the infamous PT Barnum. Will this film Rewrite the Stars or is it Never Enough? Those are two of the songs in the
Rating: PG Runtime: 1h 44min Release Date: December 20, 2017 Genre: Comedy, Drama, Musical, Thriller Step right up... and into the spellbinding imagination of a man who set out to reveal that life itself can be the most thrilling show of all. Inspired by the legend and ambitions of ...
EnergeticGreatest Showmana Three-Ring Sensation Phineas “P.T.” Taylor Barnum (Hugh Jackman) has big dreams. He’s had them since he was a child, sending letters to the girl who would become the love of his life, wife Charity “Chairy” Hallett (Michelle Williams), outlining all of the...
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