Check out the latest reviews for The Greatest Showman from our staff critics and community reviewers.
I truly feel that there was a missed opportunity here with the greatest showman, it had great talent, music, costume design and an overall aura that feels like an extravaganza yet somehow it still falls short. If you have seen the trailer you have likely already seen the film, there were...
Barnum’s vision, The Greatest Showman is a musical masterpiece that delivers both in song and dance. With the Academy Award winning lyricists of LA LA Land at the helm, this is one soundtrack that is definitely worth getting. Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum, a man with big dreams looking...
开场的《The Greatest Show》太激燃啦,配上绚烂的舞台和动感的表演,一下子就把观众带进了故事。休叔歌喉太磁性太性感了。 《A Million Dreams》正太好会撩妹,不管说是造梦还是画饼,最终还是成功迎娶白富美。后半部分休叔和小米的唱段则是表达了对未来新生活的希望和向往,... (展开) ...
The Greatest Showman 2017 ★★★ Watched Dec 20, 2017 nat’s review published on Letterboxd: if i had to describe this movie in one word, it’d be beautiful the choreography is AMAZINGEVERY song on the soundtrack is incredible (i knew i needed to watch it when i found out the ...
“the greatest show,” you’re setting up some pretty big expectations. one could almost call it hubris, though that word suggests a kind of aggro arrogance. the greatest showman —the new movie musical which houses “the greatest show”—is slightly more humble than that. the film may be...
Jacob Shamsian
The Greatest Showman’s severe romanticism and ridiculous but affecting enthusiasm make it irresistibly life-affirming. “Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for…” Jackman mutters in the film’s bombastic, Chicago-esque opening sequence. It is with this astonishingly high-energy...
并深爱着富家千金 二十世纪的曼哈顿提供了非常好的背景 贪婪 阶级 轻视 奢华在这部电影里得到了极好的...
(IMDb, n.d.),The Greatest Showmanreceived more than 174 million American dollars in America locally, and received nearly 435 million American dollars globally, compared with only 84 million American dollars budget, which was quite a small amount of money in Hollywood film production. This film ...