In Ephesus, some opponents had begun to restrict the Gospel to only a select group. There were certain criteria that had to be met in order for you to qualify for the good news of Jesus Christ. This was a HORRIFIC belief that had to be stopped dead in its tracks. 讲道编号 1115211375912...
Define The Gospels. The Gospels synonyms, The Gospels pronunciation, The Gospels translation, English dictionary definition of The Gospels. n. 1. often Gospel The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles, which is the central con
All People Will Hear The Gospel in Their Own LanguageJudeoChristian America
we therefore use the term All-Inclusive Gospel, because the victory Christ obtained on the cross has secured redemption for the entire human race. If you still have doubts, remember that the most important title the Lord Jesus has in the bible; scripture states that He is the...
for that all have sinned: Gospel: Adam and Eve remembered the happy perfect world before they had disobeyed God. 因为众人都犯了罪。福音:亚当和夏娃还记得在他们违背神之前, There was no sin, therefore there was no decay, disease, or death. 愉快完美的世界。没有罪, 因此也没有朽坏, 疾病, ...
Then aged 25, Wittgenstein answered the call for troops and was sent to the Eastern Front to fight for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Largely cut off from his British friends, he was left with his own thoughts and a copy of Leo Tolstoy’s “The Gospel in Brief”;he would mimic its pared...
s statement inGenesis 3:15to the serpent that the Seed of the woman, referring to the Messiah, would crush the serpent’s head is often identified as the first gospel (protoevangelium) in Scripture. How does this both reinforce the reality of the conflict and yet provide hope for us in ...
1954年,获选为剑桥大学中世纪与文艺复兴期英国文学讲座教授,所写文学批评论文已成传世之作。他是一位甚受学生爱戴的老师。而他写的Theology和具Theology深度的文学作品早已脍炙人口。因而有“向怀疑者传GOSPEL的使徒”之称,获到全球church的称赞。 《返璞归真》是他的著作中影响最大的一部。他在原著的序言中介绍此...
We need all of you. And you know what's beautiful to me is to see all of these ministers of the Gospel. It's a marvelous picture. Who is it that is supposed to articulate the longings and aspirations of the people more than the preacher? Somehow the preacher must have a kind of fi...
In some countries, the gospel is shared freely. But in others, people are hostile to the message since it is illegal to be a Christian. In such areas, conversion to Christianity could lead to losing one’s life. This reality encourages many Christians to take advantage of each opportunity ...