This is a new Christian song about overcoming addiction and a gospel & worship song about addiction and depression how Jesus and the father have helped me see the light over the last 2 years in my recovery. After being inspired by my local churches worship team, I decided to come back to...
“Unity established through humility is Gospel credibility.”– Rich Villodas “Peace isn’t found in the absence of pain, it’s found in the presence of Jesus.”– Shane Sanchez “A faith that’s absent of pain is parody not authenticity.”– Shane Sanchez “Where there is a cry, where...
由油管知名制作人 Cxdy 制作,这首歌继续用 “Father Stretch My Hands ”做intro,当然Pt.2也就是Father Stretch My Hands Pt.2,之后Panda 的 beat 响起,Desiigner 的 verse 加上加快 BPM 的 Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1里的 kanye verse,结尾有彩蛋。 Kanye 最初对外宣称《The Life Of Pablo》其实是一...
In Mark’s gospel, this is the last miracle performed by Jesus before he goes to his death in Jerusalem. It marks the fatal turning point between his ministry and his Passion. It is our Lord’s last act, his last word, before he begins the Way of the Cross. To the world, that loo...
“The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance.” C.S. Lewis It seems I’m the world’s worst and the clumsiest of all. And since mybrain surgery, it has gotten even worse. I fall several times every month. I need to...
And when the gospel is done, Again thou might kneel down, On both knees down thou fall, For his love that bought us all; And when thou hearest the bell ring To that holy sacrament, Kneel you must both young and old, And both your hands fair uphold, And say then in this manner, ...
尽力传福音 [Try The Best to Preach Gospel] 书卷:罗马书(新约) 作者:保罗 罗马书1章15节:“所以情愿尽我的力量,将福音也传给你们在罗马的人。” 今日默想:上帝所要求于每一个传福音的人的,只是要他尽力而已。上帝并没有定出一个很高的资格,要每个信徒适合那个资格才可以为祂传福音。若然,则福音的使命必...
This morning I heard the Lord in my quiet time. He said, “Job waited on the LORD!” This was a phrase from a gospel song I used to sing in my youth now becoming a shining glimmer of Spiritual inspiration as I pondered the remaining lyric “tell me why can’t I…” I began to...
s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law.22To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in...
The State was seen as "a Minister of Justice," as much a religious function as a "minister of the Gospel." This website claims that "the State" was invented by men, not God. Creation and maintenance of "the State" is an act of rebellion against God. We want governments to repent ...