精读绘本之The Good Egg拆解。The Good Egg是一部充满幽默和深刻教益的儿童绘本。故事讲述了一颗“好蛋”的生活和它如何学习找到自我平衡的过程。通过生动的插图和轻松的语言,这本书探讨了自我价值、压力管理和成长的重要性。 故事的主人公是一颗自认为非常“好”的蛋,它总是努力做好事,帮助别人,维持秩序。然而,随...
Never stay on a table poker, where all players are good enough to beat you. Chose players who are beginners or cand o some errors in-game, so the chance of winning increases automatically. Never challenge yourself in front of big and good players; this can be a wrong move. Another tip ...
继《The Bad Seed 坏种子》大获成功之后,黄金搭档Jory John乔里·约翰和Pete Oswald皮特·奥斯瓦尔德又推出了第二部《The Good Egg 好鸡蛋》。这部绘本出版后毫无意外地冲上了《纽约时报》畅销童书榜排名第一名的位置,好评如潮且更胜于第一部,仅用三个月其美国境内销量就突破了十二万册。 《坏种子》为我们讲...
followed rules, and always strove to do good deeds. However, this “good egg” lived in a group of other unruly and mischievous eggs, which made it feel exhausted. As time passed, the “good egg” felt increasing pressure, and eventually its eggshell cracked...
The protagonist of the picture book The Good Eggwas a self proclaimed “good” egg that was willing to help others, followed rules, and always strove to do good deeds. However, this “good egg” lived in a group of othe...
Lumberjanes: The Good Egg by:ShawnMom 382 The Good Life Mxt-ImGoodCompany by:嘻哈有态度 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 蜜小蓓 80213 简介:跟家中宝贝一起畅读英文原版绘本,学习地道英文表达,感受英汉双语魅力。在故事中获取力量,在书海中尽情徜徉,给声音和童年一个多彩的语言记忆。
The good egg: lose weight, get energized, and protect your heart--three simple reasons to eat more eggs.Brugeman, Stacey
Good good study by:恋恋红词 522 The Good Life-ATM by:嘻哈有态度 252 Good Morning Good Day by:婷婷唱童谣 606 The Proposal-The Good Husbands by:嘻哈有态度 74 Good Lovin'-The Olympics by:小众style 1275 Lumberjanes:The Good Egg by:ShawnMom ...
英文原版 The Bad Seed/Good Egg/Cool Bean 3册 坏种子 优良蛋 酷豆子 儿童趣味图画故事书英语启蒙绘本 Jory John ¥150.00 立即购买 装帧:平装 作者:John Jory 尺寸:23.5 x 0.6 x 28.6 cm 页数:40页 语言:英语 ISBN:9780062954527 出版社:HarperCollins ...