followed rules, and always strove to do good deeds. However, this “good egg” lived in a group of other unruly and mischievous eggs, which made it feel exhausted. As time passed, the “good egg” felt increasing pressure...
书名:《The Good Egg》 适合年龄:4-8岁 作者:Jory John 绘图:Pete Oswald 推荐指数:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 内容介绍:《The Good Egg》是《坏种子》的姐妹篇,同样获得了五星好评。这本书非常适合那些有完美主义倾向的孩子。它教会孩子们客观地看待自己和他人,学会放松与他人相处,并理解没有人是...
The Good Life-ATM by:嘻哈有态度 608 The Proposal-The Good Husbands by:嘻哈有态度 260 Good Morning Good Day by:Pearl老师爱唱歌 74 Good Lovin'-The Olympics by:小众style 1276 Lumberjanes: The Good Egg by:ShawnMom 382 The Good Life Mxt-ImGoodCompany ...
Good good study by:恋恋红词 523 The Good Life-ATM by:嘻哈有态度 608 The Proposal-The Good Husbands by:嘻哈有态度 260 Good Morning Good Day by:Pearl老师爱唱歌 74 Good Lovin'-The Olympics by:小众style 1276 Lumberjanes:The Good Egg
a good egg 一个好蛋? 鸡蛋都送到了你面前要被吃了 还要被讨论它的好坏嘛 但其在英语表达中 被虚拟成“好人(相当于a good person) 可靠的人,值得信赖的人 强调某人的品行非常的好。 当别人对你说a good egg的时候, 别人并不是在嘲笑你,而是在夸你。
继《The Bad Seed 坏种子》大获成功之后,黄金搭档Jory John乔里·约翰和Pete Oswald皮特·奥斯瓦尔德又推出了第二部《The Good Egg 好鸡蛋》。这部绘本出版后毫无意外地冲上了《纽约时报》畅销童书榜排名第一名的位置,好评如潮且更胜于第一部,仅用三个月其美国境内销量就突破了十二万册。
Be a good egg with our sustainable, reusable Laundry Detergent Eggs. Welcome to the eggvolution, where our little eggs are making a BIG difference. Switching out your normal detergent bottles for a Laundry Detergent Egg!WE'RE ON A MISSION TO REDUCE PLASTIC Since ecoegg launched in 2010, ...
1 tablespoon Lusty Monk or other good-quality whole-grain mustard 4 tablespoons crisp-cooked bacon, crumbled 2 tablespoons chopped chives Using a sharp knife, cut all eggs in half lengthwise and remove the yolks to a mixing bowl. Arrange the egg whites on a serving platter. ...
绘本《The Good Egg》的主人公是一颗自认为非常“好”的蛋,它乐于助人、遵守规矩,总是努力做好事。然而,这颗“好蛋”却生活在一个由其他不守规矩、爱捣蛋的蛋组成的群体中,这让它感到疲惫不堪。随着时间的推移,“好蛋”感受到越来越大的压力,最终它的蛋壳出现了裂缝,医生告诉它这是由于压力过大造成的。“好...