书名:《The Good Egg》 适合年龄:4-8岁 作者:Jory John 绘图:Pete Oswald 推荐指数:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 内容介绍:《The Good Egg》是《坏种子》的姐妹篇,同样获得了五星好评。这本书非常适合那些有完美主义倾向的孩子。它教会孩子们客观地看待自己和他人,学会放松与他人相处,并理解没有人是...
和其它几部姊妹作品一样,《The Good Egg 好鸡蛋》的画风仍然别具一格得风趣搞笑,角色表情生动细致,细节满满的情节设定让整个阅读成为一场视觉盛宴,让读者们捧腹大笑的同时加深了印象,让孩子们明白做个“好”蛋或者“坏”蛋并不那么重要,而最重要的是学会爱自己、照顾自己情绪! 关注我们,一起阅读畅销书搭档Jory Jo...
The protagonist of the picture book The Good Eggwas a self proclaimed “good” egg that was willing to help others, followed rules, and always strove to do good deeds. However, this “good egg” lived in a group of othe...
1.Activelyparticipateinclassactivities. 2.Beabletoactivelycooperatewithothersin learningactivitiesandcompletelearningtasks. 【ClassHourDivision】 Fiveperiods 第一课时 StartingoutReading 第二课时 Grammar 第三课时 ListeningandSpeaking 第四课时 Readingforwriting ...
The Good Egg Local eateries put them back on the menu — and not just for breakfast By David McCreary,Cary Magazine Photos by Jonathan Fredin For years, we have been warned about eggs. The conventional thinking has been that they are high in cholesterol and should therefore be avoided or ...
Amtrak, which teamed with Texas Central Partners, the company that initiated the project, wants to bring in another partner to manage activities for future high-speed rail development. The two-step process is commonly used for new, innovative projects, said Dan Lamers, senior program manager fo...
绘本《The Good Egg》的主人公是一颗自认为非常“好”的蛋,它乐于助人、遵守规矩,总是努力做好事。然而,这颗“好蛋”却生活在一个由其他不守规矩、爱捣蛋的蛋组成的群体中,这让它感到疲惫不堪。随着时间的推移,“好蛋”感受到越来越大的压力,最终它的蛋壳出现了裂缝,医生告诉它这是由于压力过大造成的。“好...
Book now Kung hei fat choy! Ring in a prosperous Year of the Rabbit by getting everyone together to wish each other good luck over a festive meal. Whether it’s traditional mainstays, like abalone and poon choi, indulgent versions of favourites, such as lobster e-fu noodles, or your favou...
GoDaddy: The Good and The Bad Despite not being one of our favorites, GoDaddy has a lot of good things going for it and a massive selection of products and tools to help you build and managing your business. However, it’s likely not a good choice for you if saving money, customer se...
The Maggic Egg《神奇的鸡蛋》(中英双语) 2018-12-19 18:00:0202:582.3万 所属专辑:马修老师双语|原版英文绘本故事 6元开会员,免费听 购买| 0.50喜点/集 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 AH兔宝小乖乖心 000