The Giving Tree is a moving story about a tree and a boy, who have a special bond from the boy's childhood to his old age. The tree selflessly gives everything it has to make the boy happy, even if it means sacr...
And the tree was often alone. 但是时光流逝,孩子逐渐长大,大树常常感到孤寂。 Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, "Come, Boy,come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apple...
《The Giving Tree》学习任务单 学 习 任 务 单 一、学习指南 1.“微课程”名称: The Giving Tree 2.达成目标: 1.能够知道leave, branch apple, trunk, stump, money, house, boat的读音以及意思。 2.能够自由谈论对the giving tree的理解。 3.能够了解描述树以及男孩情绪变化的词汇:happy, sad, lonely...
英语绘本幼儿活动教学设计 Englishpicturebookteachingdesignforchildren TheGivingTree 内容概要 《TheGivingTree》(《爱心树》)是美国诗人谢 尔·希尔弗斯坦创作的一部轰动世界文坛的经典作 品。绘本向我们讲述大树给予男孩成长中所需要的 一切,而自己却不图一丝一毫的回报;男孩从大树的身 上享受着一份又一份的快乐与...
Do you think the boy loves the tree? Who is the 'tree' in your life? Once there was a tree... 从前有一棵大树 and she loved a little boy.它爱着一个小男孩。 And every day the boy would come and he would gather her leaves. ...
中文版的the giving tree中的这一段是这样的: 男孩儿每天会跑到树下,采集树叶,给自己做王冠,想像自己就是森林之王。他常常爬上树干/在树枝上荡秋千/吃树上结的苹果/同大树捉迷藏/累了的时候/就在树荫里睡觉。 能想象孩子有可能将这一整段用简单地道的英语来表达吗?如果这一段我拿来翻译,一定无法实现原文中...
The Giving TreeActivities The Giving Treeis a classic children's book which has grown to be rather controversial. This is because the book can be interpreted in multiple ways, and it could be argued that the message in the book is a negative one which can make it very sad indeed. On th...
本教案主要通过互动阅读、分组讨论、角色扮演、绘画创作等多种教学方法,引导学生深入理解和感悟《The Giving Tree》的故事情节和主题,培养他们的阅读兴趣、口语表达能力、艺术创造力以及环保意识。在教学过程中,教师需要关注学生的参与度、作品和反馈,不断优化教学方法。教师还需要与家长进行有效沟通,建立家校合作,共同促进...
绘本The英语课外阅读英语教师研讨活动阅读水平不久前,笔者参加了所在地区小学一线英语教师"小学英语课外阅读有效教学"研讨活动,其中一位老师执教的英语绘本教学"The giving tree"引起所有参会英语教师的深入研讨:小学英语绘本素材教学怎样有效地促进学生"悦"读并提升小学生的阅读水平?一,Pre-reading(读前活动)片断1.课前...
These The Giving Tree activities will provide you and your student a foundation for learning many lessons from this book. Thanks to Wende for creating and contributing this The Giving Tree unit study to Homeschool Share. The Giving Tree Activities and Lessons Here are some of the lessons ...