Gain a complete understanding of “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein from Blinkist. The “The Giving Tree” book summary will give you access to a synopsis of key ideas, a short story, and an audio summary.
英文绘本故事The Giving Tree 爱心树-TigerLee(高级).pptx,1 2这本书是世界上最经典的绘本作品之一,出版30年来,一直是绘本世界的典范。这是一个由一棵有求必应的苹果树和一个贪求不厌的孩子,共同组成的温馨又略带哀伤的动人故事~ Once there was a tree . . .3 and she
said the tree, "but I have nothing left to give you--- My apples are gone." "My teeth are too weak for apples," said the boy. "My branches are gone," said the tree. "You cannot swing on them---" "I am too old to swing on branches," said the boy. "My trunk is gone,"...
The giving tree:给予树/付出树 谢尔.希尔弗斯坦 美国伟大的绘本作家之一,他的绘本作品被翻译成30多种语言,全球销量超过1.8亿册. 失落的一角 阁楼上的光 向上跌了一跤 失落的一角遇见大圆满 “我的树干没了。” 树说。 “你不能爬──” “我太累了,爬不动的。”男孩说。 “我很抱歉。”树叹了口气。
Reading this book, Andy showed a great interest in English reading and understanding. The theme "giving" in the story impressed him a lot and he questions life and the value of giving.相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 分析:家长使用了“interest”、“theme”、“impress”和“value”等词汇,准确地描述...爱心树绘本.ppt 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 * 從前有一棵大樹…… 她 喜欢上 一個 小男孩 男孩儿 每天 都會跑到树下 采 集树 叶 给自己 做王冠 想象自己就是森林之王 他也常常爬上树干 抓著樹枝盪秋千 吃树上结的苹果 同 大树 捉迷藏 累了的...
Tip1:Itstoodangeroustoclimbupatreealone. Tip2:First,findalongstick.Then,shake(摇晃)?thebranches(树枝)?orapples. Finally,theapplesandleaves(树叶)?willfalldown. (设及意图:通过Brainstorm,激活学生的思维的同时能够将绘本教学中难的语言知识点加以呈现) Step2?Whilereading 1Coverreading Thebranchofthetreeloo...
Book Report Name: Sandr a Lee Book title: The Giving Tree Writer: Shel Silverstein Main 1. c: The boy and the tree Summary of the story:The Giving Tree is a story about a boy and a tree who are good friends. When the boy is 2. y he always plays with the tree.Then, when the...
爱心树的英文“TheGivingTree”,顾名思义便是牺牲奉献的意思,但它亦是一本述说友谊的书。树并未因为男孩的予取予求感到难过,即使后来只剩下残干的他,是那么凄凉孤寂,但当男孩回到他身边只求一个安静的歇脚处时,树竟是满欣喜乐将自己奉献给他,这样的喜悦比起男孩小时在树上刻的“M.E. T.”那些甜蜜文字,更...
绘本《The Giving Tree 40th Anniversary Edition Book (with CD) 爱心树,40周年纪念版》,Harper Collins 绘本内容 In celebration of its 40th anniversary, one of the most beloved children’s books of all time is now available in this special edition featuring an audio CD of Shel Silverstein reading...