Gathering Blue-The Giver2 by:ICS小树苗 8.5万 The Giver《授者》章节版 by:原著悦听 1248 The Giver记忆传授人 by: 5007 The Giver记忆传授者 by:LolaYao 1.6万 The giver 记忆传授人四部曲 by:91reading 903 The Giver《授者》全英文有声书
所属专辑:The Giver《授者》章节版 音频列表 1 The Giver-chapter 1 1.1万 2018-11 2 The Giver-chapter 2 6075 2018-11 3 The Giver-chapter 3 4967 2018-11 4 The Giver-chapter 4 4757 2018-11 5 The Giver-chapter 5 3955 2018-11 6
1、英语文章 the giver 每章概述。chapter1:The story begins with jonas anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas family during the day and sharing them over the dinner tablechapter2Jonas talked to his parents, talked about the twelve-year-old ceremony at the dinner table, ...
英语文章 the giver 每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his parents, talked about the twelve-year-old ceremony at the dinner table...
英语文章thegiver每章概述。 chapter1: Thestorybeginswithjonas'anxietyandtension,tellingtheeventsandfeelingsofjonas'family duringthedayandsharingthemoverthedinnertable chapter2 Jonastalkedtohisparents,talkedaboutthetwelve-year-oldceremonyatthedinnertable,and expressedhisanxiety.Theparentsusedtheirownexamplestoreassu...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 点击播放按钮收听 如果您觉得文章还不错,就请点击右上角发送给朋友或者转发到朋友圈。您的支持和鼓励是我不断更新的...
chapte r1 1 Thi s chapter is mainly abou t th e transmissi on of the old man ’s mem or y of jo na s. J onas f el t the sno w and s unb urn by h im self, w hi ch m a de h im feel ha pp y and unco mfo r tab le 。 Jonas wa s su rp rised cha pter12 This...
英语文章 the giver每章概述英语文章the giver每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas' anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas' family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his parents, talked about the twelve-year-old ...
【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》导读 【视听】The Giver《记忆传授人》电影简介 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 注解版文本+MP3 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Chapter 1 读后任务 【读原著】The Giver《记忆传授人》Ch...
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