The Giver《授者》章节版 by:原著悦听 5005 The Giver记忆传授者 by:LolaYao 1.6万 The giver 记忆传授人四部曲 by:91reading 901 The Giver《授者》全英文有声书 by:云上小书摊 2.3万 双语阅读 The giver 记忆传授人 by:LEF双语 2786 The GiverQuartet Series 记忆传授人- Lois Lowry (1994 Newbery) ...
所属专辑:The Giver《授者》章节版 音频列表 1 The Giver-chapter 14 2832 2018-11 2 The Giver-chapter 15 2476 2018-11 3 The Giver-chapter 16 2761 2018-11 4 The Giver-chapter 17 2744 2018-11 5 The Giver-chapter 18 2443 2018-11
"Now for the first time I think there might be a way," The Giver said slowly. "And you brought it to my attention, barely—" He glanced at the clock, "two hours ago." Jonas watched him, and listened. It was ...
英语文章 the giver 每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his parents, talked about the twelve-year-old ceremony at the dinner table...
Home > Literature > Summary > The Giver > The Giver Chapters 21 - 23 SummaryThe Giver Chapters 21 - 23 Summarychapters 10-12 13-16 17-20 21-23 In chapter twenty-one, Jonas learns that the Nurturing Center, including his father, all voted to release Gabe after a terrible night during ...
英语文章 the giver每章概述英语文章the giver每章概述。 chapter1: The story begins with jonas' anxiety and tension, telling the events and feelings of jonas' family during the day and sharing them over the dinner table chapter2 Jonas talked to his parents, talked about the twelve-year-old ...
chapte r1 1 Thi s chapter is mainly abou t th e transmissi on of the old man ’s mem or y of jo na s. J onas f el t the sno w and s unb urn by h im self, w hi ch m a de h im feel ha pp y and unco mfo r tab le 。 Jonas wa s su rp rised cha pter12 This...
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27 -- 18:34 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 13 34 -- 11:23 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 21 20 -- 15:29 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 14 38 -- 13:12 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 7 38 -- 9:38 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 3 16 -- 17:50 App THE GIVER-CHAPTER 20 16 -- 10:07 App BEGINNER ENGLISH ST...