Which type of muscle is striated and contains gap junctions? Are tendons part of the muscular or skeletal system? What is autonomic nerve disorder? What connects the brain to the peripheral nervous system? Which type of nerve fiber has the thickest myelin sheath?
CNP,andMAGand alsoHCN2(known to control mouse myelin sheath length [75]) (Fig.2b, c, g). Next, we asked if other CSC oligodendrocytes also differ from the other two CNS regions. We performed
Ceramide (Cer), abundant in the myelin sheath around the nerve fibers, was found elevated in subcortical white matter such as the corpus callosum and corticofugal pathway, with a similar trend observed for sphingomyelin (SM). In subcortical areas, a higher level of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC...
Degenerative changes in the distal segment of an axon and its myelin sheath that occur secondarily to proximal injury of the axon or cell body. STRABISMIC A term that describes animals with a condition in which the eyes are not straight or properly aligned. The misalignment reflects the failure...
Lipids are the main components of brain tissue, comprising 78% of the dry weight of axon myelin sheath and 35-40% of the neuron-rich gray matter9. Over the past 150 years, research on the human brain lipidome has provided substantial information on the biochemical composition of selected gra...
2013). It can be suggested that PLP1/DM20 may stabilize and maintain the myelin sheath. Moreover, these mice have an alteration of fast retrograde and anterograde transport (Edgar et al. 2004). Lipid metabolism is an emerging pathway in HSP, but its importance is growing daily and has ...
Post-synaptic specialization is critical to the neurotransmitter release and action potential conduction. The neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) are the synapses between the motor neurons and muscle cells and have a more specialized post-synaptic membrane th
or epithelial versus nonepithelial cells, as described in a review article published two decades ago [22]. Its expression in the flagellum of immature spermatozoa present in murine testis and in the myelin sheath produced by oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells is consistent with its specific localizati...
WALLERIAN DEGENERATION Degenerative changes in the distal segment of an axon and its myelin sheath that occur secondarily to proximal injury of the axon or cell body. These studies indicate that the role of CSPGs as growth inhibitors might not be a simple 'all or none' pheno- menon as was ...
due to the lack of myelin basic protein, the contrast between different brain structures in T2 scanning is not as explicit as in the case of healthy, myelinated animals, we were able to visualize the myelination process in the cGRP-transplanted mice brain. Nevertheless, the hypo-intense signal...