Breathless, directed by Jean-Luc Godard and released in 1960, is one of the most pioneering films in the French New Wave. The French New Wave is an influential French film movement that emerged in the late 1950s and continued to the 1960s. Although it ended because the number of audiences...
The French New Wave was an essentially pan-continental cinema. It was influenced both by American gangster films and French noirs, and in turn was one of the principal influences on the New Hollywood, or Hollywood renaissance, the uniquely creative period of American...
Band à part, with its unique narrative style and artistic style, has become a classic in French New Wave cinema. The film showcases the common themes of "anti tradition" and "anti authority" in French New Wave cinema through the stories of three young people. They not only challenged the...
This blog post embarks on an exploration of the Chinese reception of two seminal films from the French New Wave through the lens of a small-scale audience study. The study comprises threein-depth, semi-structured interviews with members of the Chinese film audience, shedding light on their uni...
The commonality betweenBreathless(Jean-Luc Godard,1960)andThe400Blows(François Truffaut,1959) lies in the use of jump cuts. These films are the trailblazers of the French New Wave (Marie,2008). The use of jump cuts is one feature that challenges their traditional films (Kline,2004). Bordwe...
We present our round-up of the best French films of the 1960s, which includes some of the masterpieces of French cinema.
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The French New Wave pursued the use of film language to tell personal ideas, using a flexible camera to write down the director's thoughts. Through the frame of the camera, what we can see is the gaze of the New Wave thinkers who longed for spiritual freedom. ...
new wave n. 1.oftenNew Wave a.A movement in French cinema in the 1960s, led by directors such as Jean Luc Godard and François Truffaut, that abandoned traditional narrative techniques in favor of greater use of symbolism and abstraction and dealt with themes of social alienation, psychopatho...
1.Betty Blue by Jean-Jacques Beineix is one of the representativepost-New-Wavefilms in French.贝纳克斯的《巴黎野玫瑰》是法国“后新浪潮”电影的代表作之一。 4)nouvelle vague新浪潮 5)new economy tide新经济浪潮 1.In thenew economy tide, China social structure, which bases on traditional agricultur...