is renowned for its realism and bold themes. It stands as a significant force in global filmmaking, often considered the best outside the United States. Since the advent of the French New Wave, France has consistently produced a wealth of filmmaking talent and notable films. This rich cinematic...
This 1962 French New Wave drama also comes from François Truffaut, following a love triangle that plays out in the era of World War I. If you’re a Scorsese fan, study up. The filmmaker was inspired by Jules and Jim while creating the 1990 classic Goodfellas. Stream It Advertisement ...
The Queen of the French New Wave has a strong presence on Max because of her deep catalog in the streamer’s Criterion section, and you owe it to yourself to learn more about one of the most vital and important filmmakers of all time. This is probably her most popular film, the tale ...
Also ranks #379 on The Best Movies Roger Ebert Gave Four Stars Also ranks #1028 on Movies That Should Be Remade 8 Amélie Audrey Tautou, Mathieu Kassovitz, Rufus 91 votes This charming and whimsical French film follows the life of Amélie, an eccentric young woman who takes it upon herself...
Also ranks #6 on The Best 1940s Fantasy Movies, Ranked Also ranks #10 on The 300+ Best Movies of 1946 29 The City of Lost Children Ron Perlman, Daniel Emilfork, Judith Vittet 47 votes A dark and visually arresting French film, The City of Lost Children introduces viewers to a dystopian...
New Additions Dramas Thriller Comedy Action Science fiction Documentaries Horror Family movies Romance With the best Netflix movies, you may never have to leave the house. They'll provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, whether you're in the mood for action, comedy, thrills, ...
French new wave,la nouvelle vague, noun: the movement of a group of trailblazers to radically innovate French film into bold cinema. These companion films, Francois Truffaut’sThe 400 Blows, about an adolescent poised for a life of crime, and Jean-Luc Godard’sBreathless, about a petty thug...
It’s difficult to top the opening sentence of Criterion’s own description: “There was before Breathless, and there was after Breathless.” Indeed, the DNA of Godard’s 1960 international smash hit is in not only the French New Wave that would follow but so many of the critically beloved...
Credited as one of the crown jewels of the French New Wave film movement, the story follows 12-year-old Antoine (played by Jean-Pierre Leaud, resembling a young Jake Gyllenhaal), as he floats from his rough home experience to a strict classroom to a life of juvenile crime. Each moment...
Lively is delicious as the scene-stealing femme fatale of Emily whose razor-sharp remarks and brilliantly bizarre behavior is topped off with jaw-dropping outfits and a 1960s French pop soundtrack. • Watch A Simple Favor on Netflix now • Watch A Simple Favor's YouTube trailer Emily ...