In a security cluster environment, the components must be mutually authenticated before communicating with each other to ensure communication security. When submitting a Flink application, you need to communicate with Yarn and HDFS. Security authentication needs to be configured for the Flink application ...
yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-applications / yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.maximum-applications: 集群或者队列最多可同时存在的running和pending应用数量。该项是硬限制。超过数量限制之后提交的应用会被拒绝。 yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent / yarn.scheduler.capacity.<queue-path>.max...
1.3 Flink与YARN版本不兼容 Flink与YARN集群的部署需要确保它们的版本是兼容的。如果Flink与YARN的版本不匹配,也会导致部署异常。 2. 解决方案 为了解决org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor$YarnDeploymentException: The YAR错误,我们可以采取以下措施: 2.1 确认YARN相关依赖 首先,我们需要确认YARN的相关依赖是否...
The results are stored in thetaskmanager.outfile of Flink. User can log in to the WEB UI of the Yarn. ChooseJobs>Completed Jobsto view the completed job as shown inFigure 10. ChooseTask Managers, you can see submitted task, as shown inFigure 11. ChooseStdoutto view the running result, ...
最常见原因是未将依赖的 Hadoop JAR 文件加到 CLASSPATH,找不到依赖类(例如:ClassNotFoundException:org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnException)导致加载客户端入口类(FlinkYarnSessionCli)失败。 用户应用和框架 JAR 包版本冲突问题 该问题通常会抛出 NoSuchMethodError/ClassNotFoundException/IncompatibleClassChange...
一、问题现象,使用flink on yarn 模式,写入数据到clickhouse,但是在yarn 集群充足的情况下一直报:Deployment took more than 60 seconds. Please check if the requested resources are available in the YARN cluster,表面现象是 yarn 集群资源可能不够,实际yarn 集群资源是够用的。
flink run-myarn-cluster-cyour.main.Class /user/yourusername/your-flink-job.jar 1. 注释:-m yarn-cluster指定在 YARN 集群上运行,-c之后跟的是主类名。 5. 检查运行日志并定位问题 若仍然出现“Could not build the program from JAR file”错误,检查 YARN 上的运行日志以确认错误原因。可以使用以下命令...
flink on yarn my job is mysql to hive Hadoop3.0.0 on CDH6.3.2 Log Details: 2021-01-21 20:01:46,051 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.entrypoint.ClusterEntrypoint [] - Shutting YarnJobClusterEntrypoint down with application status FAILED. Diagnostics
一、问题现象,使用flink on yarn 模式,写入数据到clickhouse,但是在yarn 集群充足的情况下一直报:Deployment took more than 60 seconds. Please check if the requested resources are available in the YARN cluster,表面现象是 yarn 集群资源可能不够,实际yarn 集群资源是够用的。
m: yarn-cluster yn: 2 ys: 5 yjm: 1024 ytm: 2048 Thesql-client-hive.yamlfile contains the following content: The path of the Hive configuration file is configured in catalogs. The YARN configuration information is configured in deployment. ...